Lilium (Martagon Grp) 'Scarlet Morning'

Lilium (Martagon Grp) 'Scarlet Morning'
Flower type Single
Flower color Brown-orange brown-N172A
Flower diameter 6,5 - 7 cm
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement pendulous
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; Dotted
Flower, secondary color(s) Orange-medium yellow orange-022C; Brown-dark brown-166A

One of the most stunning lilies you can find in a garden is the Lilium (Martagon Grp) 'Scarlet Morning'. This particular variety stands out with its unique characteristics that make it a true beauty to behold. From its flower type to its color distribution, the 'Scarlet Morning' lily is sure to captivate any observer.

The 'Scarlet Morning' lily boasts single flowers with a remarkable brown-orange shade. The vibrant hue adds an element of warmth and depth to any garden. Its flower diameter ranges from 6.5 to 7 centimeters, making it a substantial and impressive bloom.

One can't help but notice the pendulous arrangement of the flowers on the 'Scarlet Morning' lily. This means that the blooms hang gracefully downward, creating a striking visual display that catches the eye from afar. It adds an elegant touch to any garden landscape, creating a sense of movement and delicacy.

The leaves of this particular lily variety are equally as noteworthy. With a size ranging from 10 to 15 centimeters, the dark green foliage serves as a beautiful backdrop for the vibrant flowers. The contrast between the rich green and the brown-orange blooms creates a dynamic and visually pleasing effect.

What truly sets the 'Scarlet Morning' lily apart is its multi-colored flower color distribution. The petals are adorned with intricate dots that add texture and interest to the overall appearance. The combination of warm brown-orange with the dotted pattern creates a captivating visual feast for the eyes.

Adding to the complexity of its color palette, the 'Scarlet Morning' lily also features secondary colorations. Shades of orange-medium yellow and brown-dark brown complement the primary brown-orange hue, creating a harmonious blend of colors that are pleasing to the senses.

Whether used as a focal point in a flower bed or incorporated into a mixed perennial border, the 'Scarlet Morning' lily is sure to make a statement. Its distinctive flower type, impressive size, pendulous arrangement, and multi-colored distribution make it a true standout in any garden setting. Alongside its dark green foliage, this lily is a showstopper that will bring joy and beauty to any garden it graces.

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