Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose

Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose
Leaf tip Blunt/obtuse
Leaf margin Serrate
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Purple-dark purple-071A; White-white-NN155B
Flower diameter 1 - 1,5 cm
Inflorescence Corymb
Leaf width 1 - 2 cm
Leaf size 2 - 3 cm
Plant, growth type Erect
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored

Introducing the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose: A Vibrant Addition to Your Garden

If you're looking to add a pop of color and elegance to your garden, look no further than the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose. This stunning plant is sure to captivate you with its beautiful flowers and attractive foliage. With its unique features and characteristics, the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose is an ideal choice for both experienced and novice gardeners alike.

One of the distinguishing features of the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose is its leaf tip, which is blunt or obtuse in shape. This adds a subtle element of interest to the plant's overall appearance. Additionally, the serrated leaf margins further enhance the visual appeal of the foliage, providing an intricate and sophisticated touch.

In terms of flower characteristics, the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose stands out with its unscented blossoms. While some may prefer scented flowers, the absence of fragrance makes this plant a great choice for those who are sensitive to strong smells or prefer a neutral-scented garden.

The flowers of the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose come in a captivating range of colors. The main color of the petals is a striking purple-dark purple-071A hue, accompanied by a secondary white-white-NN155B color. This bicolored distribution adds depth and visual interest to the overall appearance of the flower. With a diameter of 1 - 1.5 cm, the flowers are relatively small but make up for their size with their vibrant and eye-catching colors.

The Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose is further adorned with a corymb inflorescence, where multiple flower stalks arise from a common point, resulting in a stunning, clustered display. This impressive arrangement allows for a more impactful visual effect when the plant is in full bloom.

The foliage of the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose is equally as noteworthy as its flowers. With a leaf width ranging from 1-2 cm and a size of 2-3 cm, the leaves are relatively small yet provide a lush, dense appearance. The main color of the leaves is a rich, dark green, which serves as an excellent backdrop for the vibrant flowers to shine against.

In terms of growth type, the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose is known for its erect posture, ensuring that the flowers and foliage are prominently displayed. This growth habit makes it a suitable choice for garden beds, borders, or containers, allowing for versatile placement options in your outdoor spaces.

Overall, the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose is a show-stopper in any garden. Its unique leaf characteristics, vibrant flower colors, and elegant growth habit make it a favorable choice for garden enthusiasts. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting your green journey, this Nemesia variety is sure to add charm and beauty to your outdoor oasis. So, why wait? Get your hands on the Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose and let its striking presence transform your garden into an enchanting haven.

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