Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta'

Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta'
Leaf tip Acuminate
Leaf margin Dentate
Flower color Red-dark purple red-060A
Leaf, general shape Linear
Leaf width 4 - 5 cm
Leaf surface Glossy
Leaf size 25 - 30 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green; Yellow
Leaf colour, pattern Multi-colored; Marginate

The Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta', also known as the Bromeliad or Fingernail Plant, is a stunning plant that is sure to add a touch of beauty to any garden or indoor space. With its unique characteristics and vibrant colors, this plant is a must-have for plant enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of the Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta' is its leaf tip, which is acuminate. This means that the tip of the leaf narrows to a long, pointed shape, giving it a distinct appearance. In addition, the leaf margin is dentate, which means it has tooth-like projections along the outer edge.

The flower of the Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta' is a sight to behold. It features a stunning red-dark purple red color, designated as 060A in the color spectrum. This vibrant hue is sure to catch the attention of anyone who catches a glimpse of it.

When it comes to the leaves, the Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta' showcases a linear shape. The width of the leaves ranges from 4 to 5 cm, providing a slim and elongated look. The leaf surface is glossy, giving it a lustrous appearance that enhances its overall beauty.

The size of the leaves is another noteworthy aspect of this plant. The Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta' boasts leaves that measure 25 to 30 cm in length, making it a striking presence wherever it is placed. The main color of the leaves is a dark green, providing a rich backdrop for the vibrant hues present on this plant.

The Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta' truly lives up to its name when it comes to its leaf color. The leaves are multi-colored, showcasing a delightful combination of dark green and yellow. This intricate pattern adds depth and interest to the overall appearance of the plant. The leaves also possess a marginate pattern, with a distinct coloration along the outer edge, further enhancing its visual appeal.

In conclusion, the Neoregelia 'Tricolor Perfecta' is an exquisite plant that offers a blend of captivating colors and unique leaf characteristics. With its acuminate leaf tips, dentate margins, glossy surfaces, and multi-colored patterns, this Bromeliad or Fingernail Plant is sure to be a showstopper in any garden or indoor setting. Its vibrant red-dark purple red flowers are the cherry on top, making it a must-have for plant enthusiasts looking to add a touch of beauty and elegance to their surroundings.

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