Neoregelia 'Franca'

Neoregelia 'Franca'
Leaf tip Acuminate
Leaf margin Dentate
Flower color Red-dark purple-060C
Leaf, general shape Linear
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Leaf surface Glossy; Smooth
Leaf size 20 - 25 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green; Yellow
Leaf colour, pattern Bicolored; Marginate
Flower, secondary color(s) Pink-medium purple red-060D

The Neoregelia 'Franca' is a fascinating bromeliad species that is commonly known as the Fingernail Plant. Its unique features and striking appearance make it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts. This article will provide a detailed description of the Neoregelia 'Franca' based on its leaf characteristics, flower color, and overall growth habits.

One of the notable features of the Neoregelia 'Franca' is its leaf shape. The leaves are linear in shape, with an acuminate tip. This means that the leaves come to a sharp point, giving them an elegant and sleek appearance. Additionally, the leaf margins are dentate, which means they have small teeth-like structures along the edges. This adds further visual interest to the plant's foliage.

In terms of size, the Neoregelia 'Franca' is relatively compact, reaching a height of 10 to 20 centimeters. The leaves themselves are around 20 to 25 centimeters in length. The overall appearance of the leaves is dark green, but with a touch of yellow, giving them a bicolored effect. The leaf surface is glossy and smooth, adding to the plant's appeal.

The most striking feature of the Neoregelia 'Franca' is its flower color. The flowers range from red to dark purple, with hints of pink and medium purple-red as secondary colors. This blend of colors creates a visually captivating display that is sure to stand out in any garden or indoor space. The flowers emerge from the center of the plant, adding a burst of vibrant color to the otherwise dark green foliage.

The Neoregelia 'Franca' is a relatively easy plant to care for. It thrives in bright, indirect light and prefers well-draining soil. Regular watering is required to keep the soil moist, but be careful not to overwater as this can lead to root rot. This bromeliad species is also known to tolerate a range of temperatures, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation.

In conclusion, the Neoregelia 'Franca' is a stunning bromeliad species commonly known as the Fingernail Plant. Its linear-shaped leaves with acuminate tips and dentate margins add aesthetic appeal. The glossy, dark green and yellow bicolored foliage provides a striking backdrop for the vibrant red to dark purple flowers with pink and medium purple-red accents. With its manageable size and ease of care, the Neoregelia 'Franca' is a must-have plant for both seasoned gardeners and beginners alike.

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