Phlox (Paniculata Grp) 'White Boy'

Phlox (Paniculata Grp) 'White Boy'
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-white-NN155A
Soil fertility No poor soils
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 3 - 3,5 cm
Flower length/hight 2 - 2,5 cm
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Inflorescence length 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence diameter 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Moist
Soil type Humus rich

The Phlox (Paniculata Grp) 'White Boy' is a stunning flower that is sure to add beauty and elegance to any garden or landscape. Although it may lack fragrance, its pure white flowers make up for it with their striking appearance.

This particular variety of Phlox thrives best in soils that are not poor, meaning it requires fertile soil to grow to its full potential. Its elongated leaves are a dark green color, providing a lovely contrast to the white blooms.

The flowers of 'White Boy' have a diameter of 3-3.5 cm and a height or length of 2-2.5 cm. They are unicolored, meaning they are purely white without any variation in color distribution. The inflorescence, or the arrangement of flowers on the stem, can reach a length of 15-20 cm and a diameter of 10-15 cm, creating a stunning visual display.

In terms of light conditions, the 'White Boy' Phlox prefers sunny or semi-shaded areas. It is important to provide enough sunlight for the plant to thrive, but some shade can provide relief during hot summer days.

Moisture is another crucial factor for the 'White Boy' Phlox to flourish. It requires moist conditions, so regular watering is necessary to keep the plant healthy. The soil type that best suits this variety is a humus-rich soil, which provides the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.

Overall, the Phlox 'White Boy' is a beautiful addition to any garden or landscape. Its unscented white flowers, elongated leaves, and preference for fertile soil make it a desirable choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. With proper care and attention to its light and moisture requirements, this Phlox variety is sure to grace your garden with its stunning beauty.

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