Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose

Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Flower type Single
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color Purple-light violet-076A
Soil fertility No poor soils
Flower diameter 1,5 - 2 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Flower length/hight 1 - 1,5 cm
Inflorescence Corymb
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Plant, growth type Trailing
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Purple-light violet-N075A
Moisture requirements Moist
Soil type Humus rich

Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose: A Delight for Your Garden

If you are looking to add a pop of color to your garden, then Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose is the perfect choice for you. With its stunning purple-light violet flowers and delightful fragrance, this plant will surely captivate you. Let's dive into the details of this fabulous plant and discover why it should be a part of your garden.

Leaf arrangement: The leaves of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose are arranged crosswise opposite each other, giving the plant an organized and symmetrical appearance. This unique leaf arrangement adds to its visual appeal.

Flower type: The flowers of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose are single, meaning they consist of a single layer of petals. This simplicity adds an elegant touch to the plant and highlights the beauty of each individual flower.

Flower scent: Get ready to be enchanted by the sweet scent of the flowers. The fragrance of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose will add a delightful aroma to your garden, creating a truly sensory experience.

Flower color: The flowers of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose are a mesmerizing blend of purple and light violet (076A). This color combination is sure to catch everyone's attention and make your garden the envy of the neighborhood.

Soil fertility: Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose prefers well-drained, fertile soils. It thrives in moist conditions but does not tolerate extremely poor soils. Make sure to provide it with a fertile environment to maximize its growth and beauty.

Flower diameter: The flowers of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose have a small diameter ranging from 1.5 to 2 cm. Despite their small size, they create a stunning visual impact when they bloom en masse.

Plant height: Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose grows up to a height of 5-10 cm, making it an ideal choice for groundcover or as an accent in rock gardens. Its low height adds a touch of grace and charm to any landscape.

Flower length/height: The flowers of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose have a length of 1-1.5 cm, perfectly proportionate to the plant's height. This compact size makes it easy to appreciate each intricate detail of the flower.

Inflorescence: The flowers of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose bloom in corymbs, creating a breathtaking display. The clustered arrangement of the flowers enhances their visual impact and adds a sense of abundance to your garden.

Light conditions: Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose thrives in both sunny and semi-shady conditions. Whether you have a sunny or partially shaded spot in your garden, this plant will flourish and bring joy with its vibrant blooms.

Plant growth type: Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose is a trailing plant, meaning it creeps and spreads horizontally rather than vertically. This growth habit makes it perfect for cascading over walls, filling gaps in borders, or adding texture to hanging baskets.

Leaf main color: The leaves of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose have a rich dark green color. This deep hue acts as a beautiful backdrop for the vibrant flowers, creating a striking contrast and enhancing the overall visual appeal of the plant.

Flower color distribution: The flowers of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose are unicolored with traces of purple-light violet (N075A). This color distribution adds a sense of depth and complexity to the flowers, making them even more captivating.

Moisture requirements: Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose prefers moist soil conditions. To keep the plant healthy and thriving, make sure to provide it with adequate moisture. However, avoid overwatering, as it may cause root rot or other water-related issues.

Soil type: This plant thrives in humus-rich soils. Humus provides essential nutrients and organic matter, promoting healthy growth and vibrant blooms. Ensure your soil is well-amended with humus to provide the best growing conditions for Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose.

In conclusion, Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose is a true gem in the garden. Its stunning purple-light violet flowers, sweet scent, and compact growth make it a fantastic addition to any landscape. Whether you use it as groundcover, cascading over walls, or in hanging baskets, this plant will bring beauty and charm to your outdoor space. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Phlox (Subulata Grp) Fabulous Rose in your garden.

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