Primula (Elatior Grp) Gold Nugget mixed

Primula (Elatior Grp) Gold Nugget mixed
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Mixed
Flower diameter 3 - 3,5 cm; 3,5 - 4 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Flowering month(s) January; February; March
Leaf width 3 - 4 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green

Primula (Elatior Grp) Gold Nugget mixed is a delightful and versatile flowering plant that brings vibrant colors to any garden or indoor space. With its double (pleniflorous) flowers and stunning mixed colors, this Primula variety is a true treasure.

One of the notable characteristics of Gold Nugget mixed is its unscented flowers. While some flowers capture our hearts with their intoxicating aroma, Gold Nugget mixed focuses on visual appeal. However, what it lacks in scent, it more than makes up for with its captivating beauty.

The flowers of Gold Nugget mixed have a diameter that ranges from 3 to 4 centimeters, making them small but striking. Their double petals create a sense of fullness and elegance, adding depth to the overall appearance of the plant. The colors of the flowers are mixed, ensuring that each plant displays an array of hues. From soft pastels to vibrant shades, Gold Nugget mixed offers a captivating display of color.

Standing at a height of 10 to 20 centimeters, Gold Nugget mixed is a compact plant that fits perfectly in small gardens or as part of indoor arrangements. Its shorter stature makes it an ideal choice for borders, containers, or even as a centerpiece in flower arrangements. The plant flowers during the months of January, February, and March, bringing a burst of color during the winter and early spring months when most gardens are devoid of blooms.

The foliage of Gold Nugget mixed is just as appealing as its flowers. The wide leaves, measuring 3 to 4 centimeters in width, provide an attractive backdrop to the colorful blooms. The dark green hue of the leaves adds contrast and allows the vibrant flowers to stand out even more. With a leaf size ranging from 10 to 15 centimeters, Gold Nugget mixed develops a lush and healthy foliage, enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal.

This delightful Primula variety thrives in partial shade to full shade, making it an excellent choice for gardens with limited sunlight. In addition, it is relatively low-maintenance, requiring regular watering and occasional fertilization to ensure healthy growth and continuous flowering.

Whether you are looking to brighten up your garden, add a pop of color to your indoor space, or create a beautiful floral arrangement, Primula (Elatior Grp) Gold Nugget mixed is a fantastic choice. From its double flowers and mixed colors to its compact size and attractive foliage, this plant is sure to bring joy and beauty wherever it is planted. So, go ahead and bring some Gold Nugget mixed into your life and enjoy the beautiful display it offers.

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