Primula (Acaulis Grp) 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades'

Primula (Acaulis Grp) 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades'
Flower color Red-medium red pink-053C
Flower diameter 3,5 - 4 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored; With Eye
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-dark yellow-013A
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist
Soil type Humus rich

Primula 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades' is a delightful addition to any flower garden. With its vibrant red-medium red pink flowers, this Primula variety is sure to catch the eye. The flowers have a diameter of 3.5 to 4 cm, making them the perfect size to make a statement without overpowering the rest of the garden.

Growing to a height of 5 to 10 cm, Primula 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades' is a compact plant that fits well in containers, borders, or rock gardens. Its dark green leaves provide a lovely backdrop for the colorful flowers, creating a visually appealing contrast.

One of the standout features of Primula 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades' is its bicolored flower distribution. The petals have a beautiful pink hue with a contrasting yellow-dark yellow eye, adding depth and interest to the blooms. This unique color combination makes it a great choice for adding a pop of color to any garden.

When it comes to moisture requirements, Primula 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades' thrives in well-drained soil that retains moisture. It is important to provide consistent watering to ensure the plant remains healthy and vibrant. This Primula variety also prefers soil that is rich in humus, offering it the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.

In terms of care, Primula 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades' is relatively low-maintenance. Regular deadheading of spent flowers will encourage more blooms and extend the flowering season. Additionally, removing any yellowing or damaged leaves helps maintain the overall health and appearance of the plant.

This particular Primula variety is known for its resilience and ability to withstand cooler temperatures, making it an ideal choice for regions with mild to moderate climates. It can also be grown as a perennial in some areas, providing long-lasting beauty year after year.

Primula 'Rosanna Rose Pink Shades' is a versatile plant that adds charm and beauty to any garden setting. Its stunning flower color, compact size, and unique color distribution make it a standout among Primula varieties. Whether planted in containers, borders, or rock gardens, this Primula is sure to captivate the hearts of all who encounter it.

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