Primula (Acaulis Grp) 'Rosanna White'

Primula (Acaulis Grp) 'Rosanna White'
Flower color White-white-999D
Flower diameter 4 - 4,5 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored; With Eye
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-dark yellow-013A
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist
Soil type Humus rich

Primula 'Rosanna White' is a stunning flower that belongs to the Acaulis group. With its pure white color and bicolored petals, this plant adds a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement. Its flower diameter ranges from 4 to 4.5 cm, making it a compact and delicate choice.

The plant itself has a modest height, typically reaching between 5 and 10 cm. This makes it perfect for bordering pathways or adding variety to rock gardens. Its dark green leaves serve as a beautiful backdrop for the white flowers, providing a striking contrast in colors.

One of the standout features of Primula 'Rosanna White' is its color distribution. The flowers have a white-white-999D shade, creating a captivating display. Additionally, they boast a unique eye pattern, further enhancing their beauty.

When it comes to moisture requirements, this Primula prefers well-drained soil but also appreciates a moist environment. It thrives in humus-rich soil, as this provides the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and blooms.

Whether planted in a garden bed or in pots, Primula 'Rosanna White' is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Its compact size and visually appealing characteristics make it a versatile plant for various landscaping needs. It can be used to accent other flower varieties or as the centerpiece in a dedicated Primula display.

In conclusion, Primula 'Rosanna White' is a delightful addition to any garden. Its enchanting white color, bicolored petals, and compact size make it an excellent choice for those looking to add elegance and charm to their outdoor space. With its preference for well-drained, humus-rich soil, this flower is relatively easy to care for. So why not add a touch of sophistication to your garden with the beautiful Primula 'Rosanna White'?

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