Ranunculus asiaticus 'Chamallow'

Ranunculus asiaticus 'Chamallow'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color White-white-NN155C
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Leaf, main color Medium green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

Introducing the stunning Ranunculus asiaticus 'Chamallow', a double-flowered plant that will captivate any garden enthusiast. With its exquisite white-white flowers and a diameter of 7.5-8 cm, this variety is a true showstopper.

The 'Chamallow' features pleniflorous flowers, meaning they have multiple layers of petals, adding depth and texture to each bloom. This characteristic makes it a highly desirable choice for those who appreciate intricate floral arrangements or want to add a touch of elegance to their garden.

The flower color of the Ranunculus asiaticus 'Chamallow' is described as white-white NN155C, indicating a pure, bright white shade. This clean and crisp color can effortlessly enhance any landscape, bringing a sense of purity and tranquility to the surroundings.

The main color of the leaves is medium green, providing a lush backdrop for the exquisite flowers. The contrast between the vibrant green foliage and the pristine white flowers creates a visually stunning combination that is sure to catch anyone's eye.

One of the unique aspects of the 'Chamallow' is its unicolored flower distribution with traces of variance. This means that the majority of the blooms will be of the same color, with subtle variations appearing as delicate traces in certain flowers. It adds an element of intrigue and charm to the overall appearance of the plant, making it even more fascinating to behold.

In terms of size, the 'Chamallow' stands at a height of 30-40 cm, making it a perfect choice for borders, containers, or even as cut flowers for arrangements. Its compact nature allows for easy integration into various garden designs, ensuring that it can thrive in any setting.

The Ranunculus asiaticus 'Chamallow' blooms in the spring, providing a refreshing burst of color and beauty after the long winter months. Its timely blossoms are a sheer delight to behold and create a sense of renewed energy and vitality in the garden.

If you're looking to add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your garden, the Ranunculus asiaticus 'Chamallow' is the perfect choice. Its exquisite double white flowers, medium green foliage, and unicolored distribution with traces of variance create a visual masterpiece that will leave everyone in awe. Whether used as a border plant, container centerpiece, or cut flower, this remarkable variety is sure to enchant all who encounter it.

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