Ranunculus cortusifolius Magical Raspberry

Ranunculus cortusifolius Magical Raspberry
Flower type Single
Flower color Purple-dark purple-070A; Pink-medium brown purple-186B; Grey-purple grey-201D
Flower diameter 6,5 - 7 cm
Leaf, main color Medium green
Flower color distribution Marginate; Multi-colored

The Ranunculus cortusifolius Magical Raspberry, commonly known as the Azores Buttercup or Canary Buttercup, is a stunning flower that stands out in any garden or landscape. With its unique flower type and captivating colors, it is no wonder this plant is highly sought after by garden enthusiasts.

The flower type of the Ranunculus cortusifolius Magical Raspberry is single, meaning it has a single row of petals surrounding the center. This simple yet elegant structure allows the vibrant colors of the flower to take center stage.

Speaking of colors, the Magical Raspberry showcases a mesmerizing range of hues. The flower can be found in shades of purple, dark purple (070A), pink, medium brown purple (186B), and grey, purple grey (201D). This diverse palette gives the flower a unique and eye-catching appearance that is sure to catch the attention of anyone passing by.

Measuring between 6.5 and 7 centimeters in diameter, the flowers of the Magical Raspberry are relatively large. This size makes them perfect for creating colorful flower arrangements or adding a pop of color to any garden bed.

While the flowers are undeniably the star of the show, the leaves of the Ranunculus cortusifolius Magical Raspberry also deserve recognition. The main color of the leaves is a lush medium green, providing a beautiful backdrop to the vibrant flowers. This color combination creates a visually pleasing contrast that further enhances the overall appeal of the plant.

In terms of flower color distribution, the Magical Raspberry is marginate, meaning the edges of the petals are a different color from the center. This striking feature adds depth and complexity to the flower's appearance, making it even more visually intriguing. Additionally, the flower can display multicolored petals, further enhancing its overall beauty.

Caring for the Ranunculus cortusifolius Magical Raspberry is relatively simple. It thrives in well-draining soil and requires regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist. This plant enjoys full sun or partial shade, making it adaptable to different growing conditions.

Whether used as a focal point in a flower bed or as a beautiful addition to a floral arrangement, the Ranunculus cortusifolius Magical Raspberry is a captivating flower that adds charm and character to any space. With its single flower type, vibrant colors, and interesting color distribution, this Azores Buttercup or Canary Buttercup is a true gem in the world of plants.

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