Ranunculus asiaticus Pon Pon Minerva

Ranunculus asiaticus Pon Pon Minerva
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Orange-orange brown-034D
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Leaf, main color Medium green
Flower color distribution With trace; Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) Green-medium brown green-146C; Red-medium red pink-N034C
Moisture requirements Moist

Ranunculus asiaticus Pon Pon Minerva is a stunning double-flowered variety of the ranunculus plant. With its unique flower type and multiple vibrant colors, it is sure to catch the eye of any flower enthusiast.

The flowers of this variety are pleniflorous, meaning they have multiple layers of petals giving them a fuller and more extravagant appearance. The flower color is a beautiful combination of orange and orange-brown, adding warmth and vibrancy to any garden or floral arrangement. The flowers have a diameter of approximately 7.5 to 8 cm, making them a perfect size for any floral display.

For optimal growth and bloom, Ranunculus asiaticus Pon Pon Minerva prefers sunny to semi-shade conditions. This means it can thrive in areas that receive direct sunlight for part of the day, as well as areas with some shade. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of garden environments.

The leaves of this variety are a medium green color, providing a lovely contrast to the vibrant flowers. This color choice allows the flowers to be the main focus, while still providing a lush background of foliage. The flower color distribution is described as having a trace of multiple colors, creating a stunning and multi-dimensional effect.

In addition to the main orange and orange-brown colors, the flowers also have secondary colors of green-medium brown and red-medium pink. This adds further interest and depth to the already mesmerizing blooms. The combination of these colors creates a visually stunning display that is sure to impress.

When it comes to moisture requirements, Ranunculus asiaticus Pon Pon Minerva prefers moist soil. This means it needs regular watering to keep the soil consistently damp. However, it is important to not overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other issues. Finding a balance between keeping the soil moist and allowing proper drainage is crucial to its overall health and vitality.

In conclusion, Ranunculus asiaticus Pon Pon Minerva is a remarkable variety of the ranunculus plant. Its double flowers with their orange and orange-brown colors, combined with the multi-colored distribution and secondary green-brown and red-pink hues, create an enchanting display. With its preference for sunny to semi-shade conditions and a need for moist soil, it is a versatile and stunning addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

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