Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky

Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Red-dark red-045A
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky is a stunning double-flowered plant that will surely captivate any flower enthusiast. With its deep red to dark red color, this particular variety, named 045A, boasts an alluring hue that adds richness and elegance to any garden or floral arrangement.

One of the notable features of Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky is its pleniflorous form, meaning it has multiple layers of petals that give it a full and lavish appearance. The flower diameter measures between 9 and 9.5 cm, making it a substantial and eye-catching addition to any floral display.

In addition to its striking flowers, this ranunculus also showcases its beauty through its foliage. The main color of the leaf is a lush and vibrant shade of dark green, which contrasts beautifully with the deep red flowers. This contrast creates a visually stunning and harmonious combination, making this specific variety truly stand out amongst other red-flowering plants.

When it comes to Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky, its flower color distribution is unicolored, meaning the entire flower is saturated with the same deep red to dark red hue. This consistent color distribution adds to the beauty and impact of this ranunculus, ensuring a visually pleasing display.

The versatility of Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky is another reason why it is highly sought after by both professional florists and home gardeners. Whether used in floral arrangements, flower beds, or containers, this ranunculus adds a touch of romance and sophistication to any setting. Its rich, dark red color can complement a variety of color schemes, making it a versatile choice for any garden or event.

Overall, Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky is a show-stopping flower that adds a touch of romance and allure to any space. Its double flowers, deep red to dark red color, dark green foliage, and unicolored flower distribution create a captivating display that is sure to impress. Whether used in a garden or as a cut flower, this ranunculus is a symbol of elegance and luxury. So why wait? Get lucky with the enchanting Ranunculus asiaticus Romance Get Lucky and witness the magic it brings to your floral arrangements or garden.

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