Ranunculus Butterfly Eris

Ranunculus Butterfly Eris
Flower type Slightly doubled
Flower color Orange-orange red-N034D
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Flower color distribution Striate
Flower, secondary color(s) Brown-light yellow brown-161D

Introducing the Stunning Ranunculus Butterfly Eris: A Delightful Burst of Color

When it comes to adding a touch of elegance and vibrancy to your garden or floral arrangements, look no further than the dazzling Ranunculus Butterfly Eris. This flower is a true standout with its slightly doubled petals and captivating color palette.

The primary color of the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris is a vibrant orange-orange red, which immediately attracts attention and makes a bold statement. The rich hue of this flower is enough to enliven any space and bring warmth to any arrangement.

With a generous flower diameter ranging between 8 and 8.5 centimeters, the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris demands attention. Its large size makes it a focal point in any bouquet or garden bed, ensuring that it will be a showstopper wherever it is placed.

One of the distinct characteristics of the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris is its unique color distribution. The petals of this flower are striate, meaning they have patterns or stripes that create a visually interesting texture. The combination of the striate pattern with the vibrant orange-orange red hue offers a visually captivating display that is hard to resist.

Adding to the allure of the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris are its secondary colors. The secondary colors of this flower are a captivating combination of brown and light yellow-brown. These hues provide an earthy contrast to the vibrant primary color, enhancing the overall beauty and depth of the flower.

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting your floral journey, the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris is a must-have in your collection. Its striking colors and distinctive features make it an excellent choice for a variety of occasions, from weddings to everyday bouquets.

Not only is the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris visually stunning, but it also has a long-lasting bloom time. With proper care and attention, this flower can last for weeks, ensuring that you can enjoy its beauty for an extended period.

In conclusion, the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris is a truly remarkable flower that deserves a place in any garden or floral arrangement. Its slightly doubled petals, vibrant orange-orange red color, striate pattern, and complementary secondary colors make it an irresistible choice. Whether used as a centerpiece or mixed with other flowers, the Ranunculus Butterfly Eris is sure to add a touch of luxury and charm to any setting.

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