Rosa large flowered Byzantine+

Rosa large flowered Byzantine+
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Purple-light violet-N080C
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Flower length/hight 3,5 - 4 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Stunning Rosa Large Flowered Byzantine+ Rose

If you're a lover of roses, then the Rosa Large Flowered Byzantine+ Rose should definitely be on your radar. With its beautiful double flowers and captivating purple-light violet color, this rose is a show-stopper in any garden or floral arrangement.

When it comes to scent, the Byzantine+ Rose is unique in that it is unscented. This makes it a perfect choice if you're looking for a visually stunning rose without an overpowering fragrance.

With a flower diameter of 8 to 8.5 cm and a length/height of 3.5 to 4 cm, these blooms are not only visually striking but also substantial in size. The pleniflorous or double nature of the flowers adds another layer of beauty and texture to the overall appeal of this rose.

The Byzantine+ Rose features single-flowered inflorescence, meaning each stem bears one flower at its tip. This inflorescence style allows for a focused display of each individual bloom, accentuating their vibrant color and shape.

When it comes to foliage, the Byzantine+ Rose doesn't disappoint. Its main leaf color is a dark green, which provides a lush and contrasting backdrop to the striking purple-light violet flowers. The combination of dark green leaves and vibrant flowers creates a visually stunning display that is sure to capture attention.

One of the noteworthy features of the Byzantine+ Rose is its unicolored flower color distribution. This means that the entire bloom is covered in the same purple-light violet hue, creating a sense of harmony and uniformity. This monochrome color scheme further enhances the visual impact of this gorgeous rose.

Whether you're planning to grow this rose in your garden or looking to incorporate it into floral arrangements, the Rosa Large Flowered Byzantine+ Rose is a fantastic choice. Its pleniflorous double flowers, unscented nature, and stunning purple-light violet color make it a captivating addition to any landscape or vase. Embrace the beauty and elegance of this rose and enjoy the enchantment it brings to your surroundings.

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