Rosa spray #Wishful

Rosa spray #Wishful
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Pink-medium purple red-N066B
Flower diameter 5 - 5,5 cm
Flower length/hight 1,5 - 2 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-NN155C

Introducing the Exquisite Rosa Spray - #Wishful~ROSE

In the world of flowers, few can match the elegant beauty and timeless charm of the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE. With its extraordinary features and unique characteristics, this exceptional flower is a true testament to the wonders of nature.

One of the most striking aspects of the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE is its flower type, known as double or pleniflorous. This means that each blossom is packed with layers upon layers of delicate petals, creating a truly captivating display. The abundance of petals also adds volume to the flower, making it a sight to behold.

While many flowers are cherished for their enchanting fragrance, the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE stands out as unscented. The lack of scent allows its dazzling appearance to take center stage, inviting individuals to appreciate its visual allure without any olfactory distractions.

Speaking of visual appeal, the flower color of the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE is a mesmerizing blend of pink, medium purple, and red, designated as N066B. This unique combination results in a breathtaking hue that captures attention from every angle. The different shades intricately merge, forming a perfect symphony of colors that adds a touch of elegance to any setting.

With a diameter ranging from 5 to 5.5 cm, the flowers of the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE are the epitome of grace. Their compact size makes them perfect for various floral arrangements, whether it be a small bouquet or a grand centerpiece. Despite their petite build, their impact is far from diminutive.

The length or height of each flower averages between 1.5 to 2 cm, making them appear delicate and petite. Nestled within a raceme inflorescence, the blossoms seem to dance in unison, enhancing the overall visual spectacle they create.

The leaves of this remarkable rose variety have a main color of dark green, which provides a stunning backdrop for the vibrant flowers. The contrast between the rich, deep green leaves and the multi-toned floral display adds a sense of depth and sophistication to any floral arrangement.

The flower color distribution of the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE is marginate and bicolored. This means that the edges of the petals have a different color than the center, creating a stunning contrast that adds intrigue and dimension to each blossom. The secondary color is a pure and crisp white, known as NN155C, which creates a luminous effect when paired with the main hues.

In conclusion, the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE is an enchanting flower that captivates the senses with its double flower type, unscented nature, and stunning color combination. Its compact yet mesmerizing design makes it an ideal choice for various floral arrangements. With its dark green leaves, marginate and bicolored petals, and a secondary white hue, this rose is an exquisite addition to any setting. Let the Rosa Spray #Wishful~ROSE bring a touch of elegance and beauty to your world.

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