Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold

Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold
Flower type Single
Winter hardness Not hardy (USDA-zone 9,10,11)
Flower color Yellow-dark yellow-014A
Soil fertility No special demands
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Plant height 20 - 30 cm; 50 - 60 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head); Single-flowered
Flowering month(s) April; May; June; July; August; September; October
Leaf surface Hairy
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Light conditions Semi-shades; Sunny
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-medium yellow orange-023A
Moisture requirements Normal
Soil type Sandy; Peaty; Clayish; Sandy clay; Humus rich

Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold, commonly known as Cone Flower, is a stunning addition to any garden. Despite its delicate appearance, this flower is not hardy in colder climates and is best suited for USDA zones 9, 10, and 11.

The main attraction of the Tiger Eye Gold is its vibrant yellow to dark yellow flower color, known as 014A on the color scale. The beautiful single flowers have a diameter of approximately 9 to 9.5 cm, making them the perfect focal point in any flower bed.

Growing this Cone Flower is relatively easy, as it does not have any special demands in terms of soil fertility. It can thrive in various soil types, including sandy, peaty, clayish, sandy clay, and humus-rich soil. However, it is essential to maintain normal moisture levels, ensuring the soil is neither too dry nor too wet.

The Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold has elongated leaves covered in a layer of hair, giving them a unique texture. The dark green color of the leaves adds an attractive contrast to the vibrant flowers. The average leaf size ranges from 10 to 15 cm, providing a lush backdrop for the stunning blooms.

This Cone Flower is capable of reaching different heights depending on the variety. Some plants will grow to a height of 20 to 30 cm, making them ideal for borders or containers, while others can reach a taller height of 50 to 60 cm, creating eye-catching displays in the garden.

The inflorescence of the Tiger Eye Gold is in the form of a capitulum or head, with each head bearing a single flower. This arrangement allows the flowers to stand out individually while still creating an impressive display when they bloom simultaneously.

If you choose to plant the Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold in your garden, you can enjoy its beautiful flowers from April to October. This Cone Flower is a long-blooming perennial that adds continuous color and visual interest throughout the growing season.

While the Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold prefers semi-shaded spots, it also thrives in sunny areas. This versatility makes it suitable for various garden settings, offering flexibility in choosing the best location for optimal growth.

The flower color distribution of the Tiger Eye Gold is predominantly unicolored, with a trace of secondary colors. In this case, the secondary colors include medium yellow and orange, known as 023A on the color scale. The combination of these colors creates a striking visual impact, elevating the overall appeal of this Cone Flower.

In conclusion, the Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold, with its vibrant yellow flowers and elongated hairy leaves, is a captivating addition to any garden. Despite its preference for semi-shaded conditions, it can thrive in sunny spots as well. With its long blooming period and adaptability to different soil types, this Cone Flower provides beauty and elegance throughout the growing season.

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