Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny

Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny
Flower type Single
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-012A
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 1,5 - 2 cm
Inflorescence Multi-flowered
Leaf size 2 - 3 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green

One of the most charming and vibrant additions to any garden or floral display is the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny. With its striking yellow flowers, elongated leaves, and multi-flowered inflorescence, this little beauty is sure to catch the eye.

The flower type of the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny is single, meaning it consists of a single layer of petals surrounding a central disk. Its flower color is a medium yellow, with a shade referred to as 012A. This particular tone adds a brightness and warmth to any space, making it perfect for summer-inspired gardens.

The elongated leaves of the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny enhance its attractiveness, providing a contrasting backdrop for the vibrant yellow flowers. These leaves contribute to the overall charm and delicate appearance of the plant. With a general shape that is slender and elongated, they create a sense of elegance and grace.

The flower diameter of the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny ranges from 1.5 to 2 cm, making it a compact and adorable addition to any garden or container. Despite its small size, the plant produces a profusion of flowers, thanks to its multi-flowered inflorescence. This characteristic ensures that there will always be a spectacle of bright yellow blooms to admire.

Regarding the leaves, the size of the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny measures between 2 and 3 cm. These petite and perfectly formed leaves add intricacy to the overall appearance of the plant, providing a fine texture to complement the boldness of the flowers. Each leaf showcases the plant's attention to detail and its ability to captivate with the smallest of features.

As for the main color of the leaves, the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny exhibits a rich and lush dark green. This deep shade contrasts beautifully with the bright yellow flowers, creating a striking combination that is sure to turn heads. The dark green hue provides a lush and healthy appearance that adds depth and dimension to any floral arrangement or garden bed.

In conclusion, the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny is a delightful little plant with its single yellow flowers, elongated foliage, and multi-flowered inflorescence. Its compact size makes it suitable for various spaces, from gardens to containers. Whether enjoyed up close or from a distance, this plant promises to bring beauty and charm to any floral display, with its elegant leaves and vibrant flowers. With its dark green foliage contrasting against the bright yellow blooms, the Sanvitalia GGG Summerlovers Little Penny is a must-have for any summer-loving gardener.

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