Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow

Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Single
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Yellow-dark yellow-014A
Leaf, general shape Elliptic / oval
Flower diameter 1,5 - 2 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf size 2 - 3 cm; 3 - 4 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Veined
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-medium yellow orange-016A
Leaf, secondary color(s) Light green

The Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow is a beautiful and vibrant plant that is sure to add a pop of color to any garden or landscape. With its pointed/acute leaf tips and elliptic/oval shape, this plant is not only visually appealing but also unique in its foliage.

The flowers of the Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow are single in type and unscented, making them perfect for those who prefer a subtle floral presence. The flowers come in a range of yellow to dark yellow shades, with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm. The inflorescence of this plant is in the form of capitulum (head), creating a striking visual display.

The leaves of the Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow are small in size, ranging from 2 - 3 cm to 3 - 4 cm. The main color of the leaves is a rich dark green, which serves as a perfect backdrop for the vibrant yellow flowers. The leaves also feature veined patterns, adding texture and depth to the overall appearance of the plant.

One notable feature of the Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow is its unicolored flower color distribution. This means that the flowers showcase a consistent shade of yellow throughout, creating a harmonious and unified look. Additionally, the flowers may also display secondary colors, such as yellow-medium yellow, or orange.

The leaves of the Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow can also exhibit secondary colors, specifically light green. This subtle addition of color further enhances the visual interest of the plant, making it a standout in any garden or landscape.

Overall, the Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow is a versatile and visually striking plant that is sure to delight any gardener or plant enthusiast. With its vibrant yellow flowers, dark green veined leaves, and subtle secondary colors, this plant is a perfect addition to any outdoor space. Whether used as a ground cover, in hanging baskets, or in container gardens, the Sanvitalia Cuzco Trailing Yellow is a beautiful and versatile option that will bring joy and beauty to any setting.

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