Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi'

Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi'
Leaf arrangement wreath, in a rosette
Leaf tip Acuminate; Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Hairy
Leaf, general shape Spathulate
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Structure (tissues) Succulent
Plantdiameter 10 cm - 15 cm
Leaf width 1 - 2 cm
Leaf surface Smooth
Leaf size 3 - 4 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf, main color Green-medium brown green-137C
Leaf, secondary color(s) Brown-dark brown purple-N186C
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Dry; Normal

Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi' is a beautiful houseleek plant that belongs to the family Crassulaceae. Known for its stunning foliage and compact size, this plant is a favorite among gardening enthusiasts.

The leaves of Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi' are arranged in a wreath-like pattern, forming a tight rosette. With an acuminate leaf tip, the leaves come to a sharp point, giving them an acute appearance. The leaf margin is covered in tiny hairs, adding to the plant's unique texture.

The general shape of the leaves is spathulate, meaning they are broad at the tip and narrow at the base, resembling a spoon. The plant grows to a height of 5 to 10 cm, making it a perfect addition to small gardens, rockeries, or even as a houseplant.

The tissues of Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi' are succulent, allowing the plant to store water and withstand periods of drought. This adaptation makes it perfect for gardens with well-drained or dry soil conditions.

The plant itself has a diameter of 10 to 15 cm, creating a compact and charming display. The leaf width ranges from 1 to 2 cm, while the smooth leaf surface adds to the plant's overall sleek appearance.

The leaves of Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi' are the highlight of this houseleek variety. With a main color of medium brown-green (137C), they add a touch of warmth and earthiness to any space. The leaves also feature secondary colors of dark brown-purple (N186C), which create a beautiful contrast against the primary color.

For optimal growth, Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi' thrives in sunny light conditions. It requires well-drained or dry soil to prevent waterlogging, although it can tolerate normal moisture levels. With these conditions met, this houseleek variety will flourish and bring a touch of elegance to any garden or indoor space.

In conclusion, Sempervivum calcareum 'Mrs Giuseppi' is a stunning houseleek plant with wreath-like leaf arrangements in a rosette. Its acuminate leaf tips, hairy margins, and spathulate shape add to its uniqueness. With a compact size, succulent tissues, and a beautiful mix of green and brown-purple colors, this plant is a wonderful addition to any garden or indoor collection.

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