Convolvulus varieties

4 publications
Convolvulus sabatius Early Blue
Flower type: Single. Flower color: Blue-light violet blue-091A. Soil fertility: Not very demanding. Leaf, general shape: Elliptic / oval. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Multi-flowered. Leaf size: 3 - 4 cm. Light conditions: Sunny. Leaf, main color: Dark green. Moistu...
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Convolvulus Upright Blue
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Unscented. Flower color: Blue-medium violet blue-094C. Soil fertility: Not very demanding. Leaf, general shape: Elliptic / oval. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Plant height: 10 - 20 cm. Inflorescence: Multi-flowered. Leaf size: 3 - 4 cm. Light con...
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Convolvulus sabatius GGG Summerlovers Weiss
Leaf tip: Retuse. Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Unscented. Flower color: White-white-999D. Soil fertility: Not very demanding. Leaf, general shape: Elliptic / oval. Flower diameter: 2 - 2,5 cm. Inflorescence: Multi-flowered. Leaf size: 2 - 3 cm. Light conditions: Sunny. Leaf...
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Convolvulus other
Flower scent: Unscented. Winter hardness: Limited (USDA-zone 8). Flower color: Blue-medium violet blue-092A. Soil fertility: Not very demanding. Light conditions: Sunny. Moisture requirements: Well-drained.
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