Gerbera mini globose Marimo Dark
Flower type: Double (pleniflorous). Flower color: Brown-dark brown-187A. Flower diameter: 3,5 - 4 cm. Flower length/hight: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Hemispherical; Capitulum (head). Flower color distribution: Unicolored with trace. Flower, secondary color(s): Green.
![post image](/upload/iblock/c4a/vqw9uwb2e9muif8c7mk263758z0h2y4s/129697.webp)
Gerbera mini Antique
Flower type: Double (pleniflorous); Semi-double. Flower color: Orange-orange red-032A; Brown-medium brown-175B. Flower diameter: 8 - 8,5 cm. Inflorescence: Capitulum (head). Flower color distribution: Multi-colored; With trace. Flower, secondary color(s): Yellow-medium yellow-007...
![post image](/upload/iblock/373/7atl24p5pqrdr6q3zi5okig6lhiwe0bh/111638.webp)