Photo of a violet Crocus

3 publications
Crocus sativus
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Sweet scented. Flower color: Purple-light blue violet-085C. Flower diameter: 4 - 4,5 cm. Plant height: 5 - 10 cm. Inflorescence: Single-flowered. Leaf, main color: Dark green. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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Crocus vernus 'Flower Record'
Leaf tip: Pointed/acute. Flower type: Single. Leaf margin: Entire. Flower scent: Unscented. Flower color: Purple-dark blue violet-083C. Leaf, general shape: Linear. Flower diameter: 5 - 5,5 cm. Inflorescence: Single-flowered. Leaf size: 10 - 15 cm. Leaf, main color: Dark green; W...
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Crocus vernus 'Remembrance'
Leaf margin: Entire. Flower scent: Unscented. Leaf type: Foliage leaf. Flower color: Purple-dark violet-086A. Structure (tissues): Herbaceous. Leaf division: Simple. Plant, growth type: Erect.
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