Photo of a white Erica

7 publications
Erica carnea Garden Girls 1st Dinner Steffi
Winter hardness: Good (USDA-zone 5, 6). Flower color: White-white-NN155C. Leaf, general shape: Needle-shaped. Flower diameter: 1 - 10 mm; Small. Plant height: 10 - 20 cm. Flower length/hight: Small; 1 - 10 mm. Flowering month(s): March; April; February. Leaf size: Small; 0 - 1 c...
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Erica darleyensis 'Ilsengold'
soil pH requirement: Acid (pH < 4,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5). Light conditions: Sunny. Moisture requirements: Well-drained. Soil type: Peaty; Sandy.
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Erica darleyensis 'Weisse Lena'
soil pH requirement: Acid (pH < 4,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5). Light conditions: Sunny. Moisture requirements: Well-drained. Soil type: Peaty; Sandy.
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Erica darleyensis 'White Spring Surprise'
soil pH requirement: Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5); Acid (pH < 4,5). Light conditions: Sunny. Moisture requirements: Well-drained. Soil type: Peaty; Sandy.
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Erica plukenetii
Flower color: White-white-155C. Leaf, general shape: Needle-shaped. Inflorescence: Raceme. Leaf size: 0 - 1 cm. soil pH requirement: Acid (pH < 4,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5). Light conditions: Sunny. Leaf, main color: Dark green. Flower, secondary color(s): Pink-medium blu...
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Erica perspicua 'Prince of Wales'
Flower color: White-white-999D. Leaf, general shape: Needle-shaped. Flower diameter: 1 - 10 mm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Leaf size: 0 - 1 cm. soil pH requirement: Acid (pH < 4,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5). Light conditions: Sunny. Leaf, main color: Dark green. Flower, seconda...
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Erica darleyensis 'Red Summersnow'
soil pH requirement: Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5); Acid (pH < 4,5). Light conditions: Sunny. Moisture requirements: Well-drained. Soil type: Sandy; Peaty.
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