Tradescantia spathacea Roxxo

Tradescantia spathacea Roxxo
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Leaf width 4 - 5 cm
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm; 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Green-dark grey green-N189A
Leaf, secondary color(s) Brown-dark brown-187A

Tradescantia spathacea, commonly known as Spiderwort, is a stunning plant that is appreciated for its unique leaf characteristics. Its leaves have a pointed or acute tip and an elongated shape, adding an elegant touch to any garden or indoor space.

The width of the leaves of the Tradescantia spathacea measures around 4 to 5 cm, making them quite slender. However, their size varies, with some leaves growing between 7.5 and 10 cm and others reaching a length of 10 to 15 cm. These variable leaf sizes create an interesting visual dynamic when the plant is displayed.

The main color of the Tradescantia spathacea's leaves is a rich green with hints of dark grey-green, giving them a sophisticated and regal appearance. This color is known as N189A in the Munsell Color System, which is a widely recognized classification system for color identification.

In addition to its primary hue, the Spiderwort also showcases secondary colors on its leaves. These secondary colors range from brown to dark brown, specifically classified as 187A on the Munsell Color System. The dark brown undertones add depth and contrast to the overall leaf coloration, enhancing the plant's visual appeal.

Overall, the Tradescantia spathacea Roxxo, or Spiderwort, is a remarkable plant with its characteristic pointed and elongated leaves. Its slender width and variable leaf sizes contribute to its unique aesthetic. The combination of the main green-dark grey green N189A color with secondary brown-dark brown 187A colors create a visually captivating display. Whether placed in a garden or as part of an indoor collection, the Spiderwort is sure to catch the eye with its striking leaf features.

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