Tulipa (Double Early Grp) 'Brownie'

Tulipa (Double Early Grp) 'Brownie'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Brown-medium yellow brown-163A
Flower length/hight 3,5 - 4 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Green

Tulipa 'Brownie' is a stunning variety of tulip that belongs to the Double Early Group. Its unique double-petaled flowers have a pleniflorous form, giving them a beautifully full and layered appearance. The flower color is a mesmerizing medium yellow-brown, specifically categorized as 163A on the color spectrum.

When in full bloom, the 'Brownie' tulip showcases its captivating flowers, reaching a height of 3.5 to 4 centimeters. The petite size of the flowers adds an element of delicacy to their overall charm. What makes this variety even more interesting is its flower color distribution. The 'Brownie' tulip is predominantly unicolored, with a consistent brown hue throughout the petals. However, if one observes closely, a subtle trace of green can be seen, adding depth and intrigue to the overall color palette.

In a garden or floral display, the 'Brownie' tulip stands out with its unique blend of earthy brown and hints of green. It adds a touch of sophistication and elegance, standing apart from the more traditional tulip colors. The combination of a pleniflorous form and uncommon coloration makes it a true standout among other tulip varieties.

As with all tulips, the 'Brownie' variety requires proper care and attention to thrive. It is best planted in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Tulips prefer cooler climates and will benefit from a period of dormancy during the winter months. Adequate watering and the removal of faded flowers will encourage healthy growth and prolonged flowering.

Whether used as a focal point in a garden bed or as a cut flower in floral arrangements, the 'Brownie' tulip is a captivating addition. Its distinct brown and green coloration, along with its pleniflorous form, make it a perfect choice for those looking to add a touch of uniqueness to their flower displays.

In conclusion, the Tulipa 'Brownie' is an exquisite tulip variety. Its pleniflorous structure, medium yellow-brown color, and subtle hints of green create a visually appealing display. This distinctive tulip is sure to catch the eye and add a touch of sophistication to any landscape or floral arrangement.

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