Tulipa Double Early Grp 'Alison Bradley'

Tulipa Double Early Grp 'Alison Bradley'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Brown-dark brown-187A
Flower length/hight 4 - 4,5 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Tulipa Double Early Grp 'Alison Bradley' is a stunning tulip variety that belongs to the double or pleniflorous category. Known for its unique flower color, this tulip exhibits shades of brown and dark brown, specifically designated as 187A according to the Royal Horticultural Society's color chart.

Measuring approximately 4 to 4.5 cm in length, the flowers of 'Alison Bradley' are compact and relatively small compared to other tulip varieties. However, what it lacks in size, it more than makes up for in its striking color distribution. Unlike many tulips that display various shades and patterns, 'Alison Bradley' boasts a unicolored appearance, showcasing a consistent shade throughout its petals.

The brown and dark brown hues give this tulip a sophisticated and elegant look. It adds a touch of warmth and earthiness to any garden or floral arrangement. Whether planted in borders, beds, or containers, 'Alison Bradley' is sure to grab attention and elevate the aesthetic appeal of its surroundings.

Like other tulips in the double early group, 'Alison Bradley' blooms in the early spring, injecting life and color into the landscape after the dreary winter months. Its double petals create a lush, full appearance, almost resembling a miniature peony or rose. This feature enhances its visual impact and makes it a popular choice for gardeners and floral enthusiasts alike.

When it comes to cultivation, 'Alison Bradley' prefers well-drained soil and a sunny position. It thrives in a variety of settings, including gardens, flowerbeds, and even containers. With its relatively compact size, it is well-suited for smaller gardens or as a bright addition to mixed flower borders.

Additionally, 'Alison Bradley' tulips are generally low-maintenance. Once planted, they will reliably return year after year, provided they receive adequate care. Regular watering, especially during dry periods, and a layer of mulch to preserve moisture are essential for their optimal growth and performance.

Whether used as a focal point, mass-planted for a larger display, or incorporated into floral arrangements, the Tulipa Double Early Grp 'Alison Bradley' brings an element of elegance and uniqueness to any setting. Its unicolored brown and dark brown petals, coupled with its compact size, make it a standout choice for those seeking a distinctive and captivating tulip variety.

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