Zantedeschia 'Captain Negrita'

Zantedeschia 'Captain Negrita'
Flower color Purple-dark purple-N079A
Flower diameter 6,5 - 7 cm
Flower length/hight 9,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Zantedeschia 'Captain Negrita' is a stunning variety of Calla Lily that is admired for its mesmerizing purple-dark purple flower color. With a flower diameter of 6.5 to 7 cm, these delicate blooms are the perfect size to add a touch of elegance to any floral arrangement or garden.

One of the distinguishing features of the 'Captain Negrita' is its inflorescence, which consists of both a spadix and a spathe. The spadix is a slender, elongated structure that protrudes from the center of the flower and is covered in tiny individual flowers. The spathe, on the other hand, is a large, pointed bract that surrounds and protects the spadix.

This Calla Lily variety has a unicolored flower color distribution, meaning that the entire bloom is a consistent shade of purple-dark purple. This gives the 'Captain Negrita' a look of pure sophistication and makes it a popular choice for wedding bouquets, table arrangements, and other special occasions.

In addition to its beautiful appearance, the 'Captain Negrita' also boasts a impressive flower length or height, measuring between 9.5 and 10 cm. This makes it a standout among other Calla Lily varieties, capturing attention with its tall and graceful stature.

The 'Captain Negrita' is not only a visual delight but also a symbol of purity and innocence. In many cultures, the Calla Lily is associated with purity, faith, and rebirth, making it a meaningful choice for a variety of occasions. Whether used as a standalone bloom or combined with other flowers, the 'Captain Negrita' adds a touch of refinement and elegance to any floral arrangement.

Like all Calla Lilies, the 'Captain Negrita' requires some care to thrive. It prefers well-drained soil and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. It thrives in full or partial sunlight and can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on the climate.

Whether you're looking to bring a touch of elegance to your home, decorate for a special event, or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, the Zantedeschia 'Captain Negrita' is a perfect choice. With its deep purple-dark purple color, impressive flower size, and symbolic meaning, this Calla Lily variety is sure to captivate and enchant all who encounter it.

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