Zantedeschia Ice Art

Zantedeschia Ice Art
Flower color White-white-157D
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Flower length/hight 10 - 11 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

Zantedeschia Ice Art, also known as the Calla Lily, is a stunning and elegant flower that captivates everyone with its pure white color. With flower dimensions of 7.5-8 cm in diameter and a length of 10-11 cm, it presents itself as a perfect addition to any floral arrangement or bouquet.

The inflorescence of Zantedeschia Ice Art is composed of a striking spadix and spathe, giving it a unique and eye-catching appeal. The spathe, which is the outer leaf-like structure, gracefully wraps around the spadix, the cylindrical-shaped spike in the center that contains the true flowers of the plant.

Although predominantly white in color, Zantedeschia Ice Art exhibits a subtle touch of yellow in the middle, adding depth and character to its overall appearance. This splash of color gives the flower a touch of vibrancy and makes it even more captivating to the beholder.

The unicolored distribution of white with traces of yellow gives the Zantedeschia Ice Art a sophisticated and timeless look. It is an ideal choice for weddings, special events, or any occasion where elegance and beauty are desired. Its purity and grace make it a symbol of innocence and devotion, making it a popular choice for bridal bouquets or floral decorations.

Zantedeschia Ice Art can be used as a standalone flower or combined with other blooms to create stunning floral arrangements. Its simple yet captivating design pairs well with various colors and types of flowers, allowing for endless creative possibilities.

When caring for Zantedeschia Ice Art, it is important to keep in mind that it thrives in well-drained soil and requires regular watering. It prefers a sunny or partially shaded location and can be grown both indoors and outdoors, making it a versatile plant for any environment.

In conclusion, Zantedeschia Ice Art, or the Calla Lily, is a magnificent flower with its white color and unique spadix and spathe inflorescence. Its unicolored distribution of white with traces of yellow adds an elegant touch to any floral arrangement. Whether used as a standalone flower or combined with other blooms, this flower is sure to create a lasting impression with its beauty and grace.

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