Zantedeschia 'Sumatra'

Zantedeschia 'Sumatra'
Flower color Purple-dark purple-N079C
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Flower length/hight 8 - 8,5 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Zantedeschia 'Sumatra', also known as the Calla Lily, is a stunning flowering plant that displays beautiful purple to dark purple flowers. With a flower diameter of 6 to 6.5 cm and a length or height of 8 to 8.5 cm, these blossoms add a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement.

The inflorescence of the Zantedeschia 'Sumatra' consists of a spadix and a spathe. The spadix refers to the cylindrical center portion of the flower, while the spathe is the large, colorful bract that surrounds and protects the spadix. In the case of the 'Sumatra' variety, the spathe showcases a uniform color distribution, with the purple or dark purple shade extending across the entire surface.

The 'Sumatra' Calla Lily is known for its rich and deep color, which adds a sense of drama and sophistication to any setting. Whether planted in a garden bed or showcased in a bouquet, these flowers are sure to catch the eye and captivate the viewer.

In terms of care, the Zantedeschia 'Sumatra' prefers well-draining soil and partial shade conditions. It thrives in moist environments and should be watered regularly to keep the soil consistently moist. Adequate sunlight is necessary to support the growth and development of these stunning flowers.

The 'Sumatra' Calla Lily is not only visually appealing but also holds symbolic meanings. In many cultures, the Calla Lily is associated with rebirth, purity, and faith. It has been used in various religious ceremonies and is often included in bridal bouquets, representing the purity and innocence of the bride.

The 'Sumatra' variety of the Calla Lily offers a unique and captivating choice for those looking to add a touch of elegance and beauty to their gardens or floral arrangements. Its dark purple color and uniform distribution make it stand out among other varieties.

Whether you're a gardening enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty of flowers, the Zantedeschia 'Sumatra' is a must-have addition to any collection. Its stunning color and graceful shape will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on all who encounter it.

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