Zantedeschia Pop Art

Zantedeschia Pop Art
Flower color Purple-dark violet-079A
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Flower length/hight 6,5 - 7 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace; With Eye

The Zantedeschia Pop Art, also known as the Calla Lily, is a stunning flower with its unique purple-dark violet color. This particular species is distinctive with its flower diameter ranging from 6 to 6.5 cm and a height of 6.5 to 7 cm.

One of the striking features of the Zantedeschia Pop Art is its inflorescence. It consists of a spadix and spathe, which adds to the overall beauty of the flower. The spadix is a cylindrical structure that contains numerous tiny individual flowers, while the spathe is a large, modified leaf-like structure that encloses the spadix.

What sets the Zantedeschia Pop Art apart from other Calla Lily varieties is its flower color distribution. The flower is predominantly unicolored, showcasing its enchanting purple-dark violet hue. However, upon closer inspection, one can notice a subtle trace of another color, adding depth and intrigue to the flower. Additionally, some flowers may also possess an eye-like pattern, further enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

The Zantedeschia Pop Art is a popular choice for floral arrangements, as it adds a touch of elegance and charm to any setting. Its vibrant purple-dark violet color makes it an excellent choice for bouquets, centerpieces, or even as a standalone flower. Its unique inflorescence structure makes it a conversation starter, as guests marvel at its distinctive beauty.

In terms of care, the Zantedeschia Pop Art requires moderate amount of watering. It thrives in well-drained soil and prefers partial shade to full sunlight. Regular fertilization during the growing season ensures optimal growth and blooming. With its striking color and unique features, the Zantedeschia Pop Art is sure to captivate anyone who comes across it.

Whether used in weddings, special occasions, or simply as a decorative element in the home, the Zantedeschia Pop Art is a must-have for flower enthusiasts. Its alluring purple-dark violet color, combined with its remarkable flower structure, makes it a truly mesmerizing sight. So, if you're looking for a flower that stands out from the rest, the Zantedeschia Pop Art Calla Lily is the perfect choice.

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