Zantedeschia 'White Present'

Zantedeschia 'White Present'
Flower color White-white-155C
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Flower length/hight 11 - 12 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Zantedeschia 'White Present', commonly known as the Calla Lily, is a stunning plant that is sure to stand out in any garden or floral arrangement. With its pure white flowers and elegant appearance, it adds a touch of sophistication and beauty to any setting.

The flowers of Zantedeschia 'White Present' are a dazzling white that is truly eye-catching. The color can be described as a crisp, pure white that is sure to brighten up any space. This unicolored flower distribution creates a sense of simplicity and elegance that is hard to ignore.

The flower diameter of Zantedeschia 'White Present' ranges from 8.5 to 9 cm, making each bloom a substantial size. The large flower size contributes to its bold and striking presence, making it a focal point in any floral arrangement or garden bed.

Additionally, the flower length and height of Zantedeschia 'White Present' reach approximately 11 to 12 cm. This impressive height adds to the grandeur of the plant overall and enhances its visual impact.

Zantedeschia 'White Present' showcases its flowers through its unique inflorescence structure. The plant produces a spadix, which is a fleshy, central column surrounded by a white, leaf-like structure known as a spathe. The combination of the spadix and spathe creates a visually captivating flower arrangement that is both unique and beautiful.

Whether used in a bouquet, centerpiece, or as a standalone plant in the garden, Zantedeschia 'White Present' is sure to leave a lasting impression. Its unicolored flower distribution, coupled with its large flower diameter and impressive height, makes it a standout choice for those seeking a touch of elegance and sophistication.

In conclusion, Zantedeschia 'White Present' is a stunning example of a Calla Lily. Its white-white-155C colored flowers, 8.5 to 9 cm diameter, and 11 to 12 cm height make it a visually striking choice for floral arrangements and garden beds. The unique inflorescence structure of spadix and spathe further enhances its beauty, creating a gorgeous display that is hard to overlook.

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