Zantedeschia 'Bingo'

Zantedeschia 'Bingo'
Flower color Purple-dark purple-064A
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Flower length/hight 8,5 - 9 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

Zantedeschia 'Bingo', commonly known as Calla Lily, is a stunning flowering plant that adds elegance and beauty to any garden or floral setting. This particular cultivar of Calla Lily features a mesmerizing color combination of purple and dark purple, with a hint of lighter purple near the center, making it a captivating addition to any landscape.

The flowers of Zantedeschia 'Bingo' are approximately 6-6.5 cm in diameter and boast a height of 8.5-9 cm. The inflorescence consists of a spadix and spathe, adding an interesting dimension and texture to the overall appearance of the plant. With its unicolored petals, this variety of Calla Lily showcases a seamless color distribution.

In addition to its stunning flowers, the foliage of Zantedeschia 'Bingo' is equally noteworthy. The plant produces broad, heart-shaped leaves in a vibrant shade of green. These leaves can reach a height of 25-30 cm, providing a lush backdrop to the eye-catching blooms.

Zantedeschia 'Bingo' thrives when planted in the spring and blooms from late spring to summer, making it a perfect choice for adding a burst of vibrant color during the warmer months. It is hardy in USDA zones 8-11 and requires full sun to partial shade to flourish. The plant prefers moist, well-drained soil and should be watered regularly to keep the soil evenly moist.

To ensure optimal growth and health, Zantedeschia 'Bingo' benefits from monthly fertilization during the growing season. This can be achieved by using a balanced fertilizer specifically formulated for flowering plants. Regular fertilization will help promote vigorous growth and enhance the quality of the flowers.

Propagation of Zantedeschia 'Bingo' can be done through division or seeds. Dividing the plant is a preferred method as it ensures the preservation of the unique characteristics of the cultivar. Seeds can also be sown, but this method requires additional time and patience for the plant to reach maturity and produce flowers.

One of the many virtues of Zantedeschia 'Bingo' is its resistance to diseases and pests. While no plant is entirely immune, this variety of Calla Lily is generally free from major issues, allowing gardeners to enjoy its beauty without constant worry.

With its captivating colors and elegant appearance, Zantedeschia 'Bingo' is a versatile plant suitable for various settings. It is perfect for container gardens, where it can be a focal point or mixed with other flowers for a visually striking display. In garden borders, it adds a touch of sophistication and charm. Additionally, the cut flowers of Zantedeschia 'Bingo' can be used in floral arrangements and bouquets, adding a touch of elegance to any occasion.

The Zantedeschia 'Bingo' Calla Lily is a wonderful addition to any garden or floral arrangement, bringing beauty, grace, and a touch of luxury to its surroundings. Whether planted in the ground or showcased in a vase, this stunning flower is sure to impress with its vibrant colors, captivating inflorescence, and lush foliage.

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