Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby'

Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby'
Flower color Purple-dark brown-N077A; Purple-dark violet-N092A
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Flower length/hight 10 - 11 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby' is a stunning variety of Calla Lily that is sure to make a statement in any garden or floral arrangement. With its unique flower color and striking appearance, it is a favorite among flower enthusiasts.

The flower color of the Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby' is a beautiful combination of purple, dark brown, and dark violet. This unique color combination gives the flower a mesmerizing and rich appearance. Whether used as a standalone bloom or in a bouquet, it is sure to catch the eye and add a touch of elegance wherever it is placed.

Measuring approximately 6 to 6.5 cm in diameter, the flowers of the Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby' are just the right size to create a visually appealing arrangement. This size is ideal for showcasing the intricate details of the petals and the beauty of the flower as a whole.

With a flower length and height of around 10 to 11 cm, the Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby' boasts a commanding presence. The taller height of the flower adds to its overall allure, making it a standout choice for those seeking to create a dramatic effect.

The Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby' produces its flowers in an inflorescence called a spadix and spathe. The spadix is a spike-like structure that contains tiny individual flowers, while the spathe is the large, leaf-like structure that surrounds and protects the spadix. This unique combination of structures creates a visually pleasing arrangement that adds depth and interest to the overall flower.

As for the flower color distribution, the Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby' showcases a unicolored pattern. This means that the entire flower has the same coloration, which in this case is the striking purple-dark brown-dark violet combination. This uniform distribution of color allows for a cohesive and harmonious appearance, making it a favorite among those with an eye for floral aesthetics.

Overall, the Zantedeschia 'Captain Shelby' is a captivating Calla Lily that stands out for its unique flower color, impressive size, and visually pleasing inflorescence. Whether used in gardens, floral arrangements, or as a focal point in any space, it is sure to leave a lasting impression with its unparalleled beauty and elegance.

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