Zantedeschia 'French Kiss'

Zantedeschia 'French Kiss'
Flower color White-light green-157C; Purple-medium purple-064B
Flower diameter 4 - 4,5 cm
Flower length/hight 8,5 - 9 cm
Inflorescence Spadix & spathe
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored

Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' is a stunning variety of Calla Lily that captivates with its unique flower color. The petals of this exquisite flower display a beautiful combination of white and light green, creating a mesmerizing visual appeal. The color palette chosen for this variety is delicate and refreshing, adding a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement.

One of the standout features of Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' is its medium purple spadix and spathe. These intricate structures in the center of the flower add depth and texture, complementing the bicolored petals perfectly. The combination of the white-light green petals and the purple spadix and spathe creates a stunning contrast that is sure to catch everyone's attention.

With a flower diameter ranging from 4 to 4.5 cm, Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' blooms are compact yet incredibly detailed. Every petal and feature of the flower is meticulously designed, adding to its overall charm. Additionally, the flower length or height reaches an impressive 8.5 to 9 cm, further enhancing its visual impact.

The inflorescence of Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' consists of a spadix and spathe arrangement. The spadix is the cylindrical structure that sits in the middle of the flower, while the spathe wraps around it like a protective sheath. This combination creates a unique and visually striking floral display.

The flower color distribution of Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' is marginate, meaning that the edges of the petals are outlined in a contrasting hue. This white-light green variety showcases a subtle yet elegant contrast with its purple center. The contrasting colors add depth and dimension to the overall appearance of the flower, making it even more captivating.

Whether used in a bouquet or as a standalone plant in a garden, Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' is sure to make a statement. Its unique color combination, marginate flower color distribution, and enchanting spadix and spathe structure make it a perfect addition to any floral arrangement.

Furthermore, the compact size and detailed design of the blooms make Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' an ideal choice for various occasions. From weddings to special events or even as a gift, this remarkable variety of Calla Lily is bound to impress and bring joy to anyone who encounters it.

In conclusion, Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' is a standout variety of Calla Lily with its unique flower color, marginate distribution, and captivating spadix and spathe arrangement. Its compact size and striking design make it an excellent choice for any occasion. Whether used in floral arrangements or as an ornamental plant, Zantedeschia 'French Kiss' is sure to add a touch of elegance and sophistication.

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