
Tree with fruit

Latin name Ziziphus
Homeland China
Family Rhamnaceae
Cultivation simple
Location in the open sun
Temperature the plant is thermophilic
Watering only required for young plants
Flowering time late spring, minor
Height up to 8 m
Transplanting not performed
Appearance maintenance not required

The genus Ziziphus includes more than 80 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, tall trees and lianas. Almost only one of these species is grown - Ziziphus real, jujuba, or unabi (Ziziphus jujuba). This is a deciduous slow-growing tree. It is native to China, but has already spread and naturalized in the Mediterranean basin many centuries ago (that is, it grows and develops independently, without requiring care), where it is grown mainly as a fruit crop. The winding trunk is covered with grayish-brown dark bark. First-order branches are red. Regular leaves oval in shape with a rounded tip, leathery, with sharp paired spikes at the base. In late spring, green-yellow inconspicuous flowers bloom, collected 2-3 in short axillary racemes. Large sweet fruits-drupes are edible, they are used for food. The size of the fruit is about the same as olives, the color is brown-red, the flesh is sour. Maturation occurs in September-October. The variety 'Silver Hill Round' has rounded drupes of a very bright red color. Fruits are eaten both fresh and candied.


Jujube is a type of open ground, it has long been cultivated as a fruit and medicinal plant in a suitable warm climate. If the winters are cold, the plant should be grown in a protected (heated) place. Planted in a permanent place usually in the fall. Preferably loose soil with good drainage, filled with organic fertilizers at the rate of 1-3 kg per plant, depending on its size. In late winter and early spring, complex mineral fertilizers are applied annually in the amount of 20-30 g /m2. Ziziphus, as a rule, is left with the natural shape of the crown, pruning is reduced to removing dry and damaged branches, excess shoots.

Jujube is a type of open ground, it has long been cultivated as a fruit and medicinal plant in a suitable warm climate. If the winters are cold, the plant should be grown in a protected (heated) place. Planted in a permanent place usually in the fall. Preferably loose soil with good drainage, filled with organic fertilizers at the rate of 1-3 kg per plant, depending on its size.

In late winter and early spring, complex mineral fertilizers are applied annually in the amount of 20-30 g /m2.

Ziziphus, as a rule, is left with the natural shape of the crown, pruning is reduced to removing dry and damaged branches, excess shoots.


Ziziphus needs a place in the open sun.


This plant is resistant to high air temperature.


It is necessary only for young seedlings after planting in the ground. Adult plants prefer exceptionally dry soil.


In autumn, they separate the rooted growth, which is immediately planted on the site. Then, several times during 1-2 years, thinning is performed, after which it is finally planted. During this time, from April to August, once every 20-30 days, a complex mineral fertilizer is diluted in water for irrigation at the rate of 10-20 g per bucket.


Diseases and pests rarely plague ziziphus. Only in some cases, in conditions of excessive humidity or poor drainage, rot can appear, provoked by various fungi, including honey fungus (Armillaria mellea), which can completely destroy the plant. Its appearance can only be prevented. There may be spots on the leaves due to Cercospora jujubae and rust (pathogen - Phokospora ziziphi-vulgari), but these diseases are rarely so serious that treatment is necessary. Removing the affected parts is sufficient. Worms settle on the trunk, shoots and leaves and cause the plant to weaken. They get rid of them with the help of anticoccidal drugs.


Ziziphus is sold in specialized nurseries and horticultural centers, mainly in areas of mild and warm climates. Choose small plants that are easier to plant in the ground, or larger specimens - they will begin to bear fruit earlier.

Offspring separation Jujuba belongs to plants that form numerous offspring that grow from the roots near the root neck, near the base. Propagating a plant is very simple, if you follow some rules. In spring, it is recommended to loosen the ground around the already broken offspring to promote better root formation. A year later, at the end of winter, dig in the ground at the base of each off spring, then cut them off from the mother tree, completely clearing the roots from the ground. A new plant can be planted immediately in the ground to the final place.

Offspring separation

Jujuba belongs to plants that form numerous offspring that grow from the roots near the root neck, near the base. Propagating a plant is very simple, if you follow some rules. In spring, it is recommended to loosen the ground around the already broken offspring to promote better root formation. A year later, at the end of winter, dig in the ground at the base of each off spring, then cut them off from the mother tree, completely clearing the roots from the ground. A new plant can be planted immediately in the ground to the final place.

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