Гортензия крупнолистная "Galaxy" (classic)

Гортензия крупнолистная "Galaxy" (classic)
Тип цветка Одинокий
Край лепестка Целый; Эрозия
Диаметр цветка 6 - 6,5 см
Соцветие Полусферическое
Размер листа 10 - 15 см
Диаметр соцветия 20 - 25 см

Гортензия крупнолистная "Galaxy" (classic) - это замечательное растение, привлекающее внимание своими крупными и яркими цветками. Это растение отличаетсThis plant is distinguished by large, dark green leaves and stunning hemispherical inflorescences with single flowers. The flower color is a beautiful medium green, with a marginate distribution and a multi-colored appearance, making it truly eye-catching in any garden. The flowers have a diameter of 6-6.5 cm and their petal edge is entire and erose, giving them a delicate and intricate look.

The "Galaxy" hydrangea has an inflorescence diameter of 20-25 cm and its leaves are 10-15 cm in size, adding to the overall impressive appearance of this plant. The main color of the leaves is dark green, providing a beautiful backdrop for the striking flowers.

This hydrangea is a wonderful addition to any garden, as its unique and vibrant appearance is sure to attract attention and create a visually stunning display. Whether planted as a focal point or as part of a larger garden design, the "Galaxy" hydrangea is sure to delight with its beautiful and vibrant flowers.

The "Galaxy" hydrangea is a relatively low-maintenance plant, making it a great choice for both experienced gardeners and those new to gardening. It prefers moist, well-draining soil and partial shade, making it adaptable to a variety of garden conditions. With the right care, this stunning hydrangea will thrive and continue to delight with its beautiful blooms year after year.

Overall, the "Galaxy" hydrangea is a truly special and visually striking plant that is sure to enhance any garden with its unique and vibrant flowers. Its combination of large, dark green leaves and stunning hemispherical inflorescences with single flowers makes it a standout choice for gardeners looking to add a touch of beauty and elegance to their outdoor space. With the proper care and attention, the "Galaxy" hydrangea will continue to impress with its stunning appearance and vibrant blooms, making it a true treasure for any garden.

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