Остеоспермум "Margarita Rioja Red"

Остеоспермум "Margarita Rioja Red"
Тип цветка Одинокий
Край листа Лопастный; Зубчатый
Лист, общая форма Удлиненный
Диаметр цветка 5 - 5,5 см; 5,5 - 6 см
Высота растения 10 - 20 см
Соцветие Корзинка
Размер листа 4 - 5 см

The Osteospermum "Margarita Rioja Red" is a stunning addition to any garden or floral arrangement. This particular variety of African Daisy boasts single, elongate flowers with a rich, dark purple-red color (185A) that is sure to catch the eye of any passerby. The flowers have a diameter ranging from 5 to 6 cm and are arranged in a beautiful capitulum inflorescence, creating a striking display.

The plant itself grows to a height of 10-20 cm, with dark green, lobed and dentate leaves that measure approximately 4-5 cm in size. The general shape of the leaves is elongate, adding an elegant touch to the overall appearance of the plant.

What makes "Margarita Rioja Red" truly stand out is its unicolored flowers with a trace of darker hues, making it a unique and captivating addition to any garden. Whether used as a border plant, in containers, or as part of a mixed planting, this Osteospermum variety is sure to add a pop of color and interest to any space.

With its low-growing, compact nature and stunning flowers, "Margarita Rioja Red" is a must-have for any gardening enthusiast. Its vibrant blooms and attractive foliage make it a versatile and beautiful choice for adding a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, this African Daisy is a wonderful choice for adding beauty and interest to your garden.

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