Araucaria araucana

Araucaria araucana
Genus Mono- or dioecious, unisexual
Height 6 - 10 m
flowering period Late spring (May/June)
Leaf duration Evergreen
Life span Long (over 200 years)
Shape of tree Elliptic
Flower scent Unscented
Winter hardness Reasonable (USDA-zone 7)
Soil fertility No poor soils
Leaf color Green
Growth rate Slowly
Toxicity (if consumed) Not or barely
Moisture requirements Wet; Moist

The Araucaria araucana, commonly known as Monkey Puzzle or Chile Pine, is a unique and fascinating tree that can be found in the forests of Chile and Argentina. This ancient tree belongs to the genus Araucaria, which includes both monoecious and dioecious species.

With its height ranging from 6 to 10 meters, the Monkey Puzzle tree stands tall and majestic. It is a slow-growing tree and can live for over 200 years, making it a symbol of endurance and resilience. The tree's elliptic shape adds to its charm and makes it easily recognizable.

Late spring, specifically the months of May and June, marks the flowering period of the Monkey Puzzle tree. The tree is known for its unisexual flowers, which means that the male and female flowers are found on separate trees. Surprisingly, these flowers do not emit any scent, making them inconspicuous to smell.

One of the remarkable characteristics of the Monkey Puzzle tree is its evergreen foliage. The leaves remain green throughout the year, lending a beautiful touch to any landscape. However, the tree's winter hardiness is relatively moderate, suitable for USDA-zone 7. Therefore, it may not withstand severely cold temperatures.

The Monkey Puzzle tree thrives in fertile soils and does not tolerate poor soil conditions. It requires moist or wet soil to grow and does best when provided with regular watering. However, it is important to note that the tree does not have toxicity issues if consumed, making it safe to have around.

The unique qualities of the Monkey Puzzle tree make it an interesting addition to any garden or landscape. Its slow growth rate might not be suitable for those looking for quick results, but for patient gardeners, it becomes a rewarding and captivating tree to tend to. Its longevity and resilience make it a living testament to the wonders of nature.

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