Araucaria varieties

3 publications
Araucaria araucana
Leaf tip: Pointed/acute. Leaf margin: Entire. Flower scent: Unscented. Leaf type: Needle. Leaf, general shape: Triangular. Leaf width: 2 - 3 cm. Leaf surface: Dull. Leaf size: 4 - 5 cm. Leaf, main color: Dark green. Leaf colour, pattern: Unicolored. Toxicity (if consumed): Not or...
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Araucaria araucana
Genus: Mono- or dioecious, unisexual. Height: 6 - 10 m. flowering period: Late spring (May/June). Leaf duration: Evergreen. Life span: Long (over 200 years). Shape of tree: Elliptic. Flower scent: Unscented. Winter hardness: Reasonable (USDA-zone 7). Soil fertility: No poor soils...
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Araucaria heterophylla
Fruit type: Cone. Flower scent: Unscented. Leaf type: Needle. Leaf, general shape: Linear. Structure (tissues): Woody. Leaf division: Simple. Plant, growth type: Erect. Moisture requirements: Well-drained.
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