Caladium 'Heart's Delight'

Caladium 'Heart's Delight'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Undulate; Entire
Leaf, general shape Cordate (heart-shaped)
Plant height 20 - 30 cm
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm; 10 - 15 cm
Plant, growth type Erect
Leaf, main color Red-medium red pink-053C; Green-dark brown green-NN137A
Leaf colour, pattern Multi-colored; Feathered; Marginate
Leaf, secondary color(s) Green-light green-145C

The Caladium 'Heart's Delight' is a unique and stunning plant that belongs to the Angel Wings family. With its pointed and acute leaf tips, undulate leaf margins, and heart-shaped leaves, it is a true delight for any plant enthusiast.

Growing up to a height of 20-30 cm, this erect plant adds a beautiful touch to any indoor or outdoor space. The leaves of the 'Heart's Delight' are adorned with a variety of colors and patterns, making it a truly eye-catching plant. The main color of the leaves is a mesmerizing red-medium red pink-053C, which adds a bold and vibrant touch to any setting. The secondary color of the leaves is a contrasting green-dark brown green-NN137A, creating a striking contrast with the main color.

The leaf size of this Caladium variety ranges from 15-20 cm in length and 10-15 cm in width. The multi-colored, feathered, and marginate pattern on the leaves adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to the 'Heart's Delight'. The combination of these colors and patterns makes this plant a true standout in any collection.

As with other Caladiums, the 'Heart's Delight' requires proper care to thrive and display its full potential. It prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil to prevent overwatering. Regular watering is necessary to keep the soil evenly moist but avoid waterlogging. This plant also appreciates high humidity levels, so misting the leaves or placing it in a humid area can help mimic its natural habitat.

Featuring such striking colors and patterns, the Caladium 'Heart's Delight' is a popular choice for adding a splash of color to any space. Whether displayed in a hanging basket, potted plant arrangement, or as part of a garden bed, this beautiful plant will surely steal the show. With its unique blend of colors and patterns, it is no wonder why the 'Heart's Delight' is a favorite among plant enthusiasts.

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