Callistephus chinensis Jules Pink

Callistephus chinensis Jules Pink
Leaf arrangement spreaded
Flower type Slightly doubled; Semi-double
Leaf margin Serrate; Entire
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-065C
Leaf, general shape Linear; Lanceolate
Flower diameter 5,5 - 6 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Callistephus chinensis Jules Pink, commonly known as the China Aster or simply Aster, is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its striking appearance, combined with its various features, makes it a popular choice among gardeners and flower enthusiasts.

The leaf arrangement of the China Aster is spreaded, which means that the leaves are evenly distributed along the stem. The leaves exhibit a general shape that can be described as linear or lanceolate, adding a delicate and elongated look to the plant. The leaf margin may vary, with some leaves having serrated edges while others are entirely smooth.

One of the most remarkable features of the China Aster is its flower type. The flowers are slightly doubled or semi-double, which means that they have more petals than a regular single flower. This gives the flowers a fuller and more extravagant appearance. The flower color of the Jules Pink variety is a beautiful combination of pink and light blue pink, with a shade identified as 065C. The petals of this aster variety display a uniform and unicolored distribution, creating a visually pleasing effect when the flowers are in full bloom.

The flowers of the China Aster are grouped together in inflorescences known as capitulum or heads. These heads are composed of multiple individual flowers that bloom together, creating a cluster of color and beauty. The average diameter of each flower is around 5.5 to 6 cm, making them a compact yet stunning addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

The leaves of the China Aster are dark green in color, providing a vibrant contrast to the soft hues of the flowers. With a size ranging from 7.5 to 10 cm, the leaves are of a medium size, not overpowering the flowers but still contributing to the overall attractiveness of the plant.

Gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike often choose the China Aster for its impressive features. The spreaded leaf arrangement, slightly doubled or semi-double flowers, and serrated or entire leaf margins all contribute to its unique and eye-catching appearance. The combination of pink and light blue pink petals, along with the dark green leaves, creates a captivating color scheme that is sure to enhance any garden or floral display.

Whether used as a focal point in a flower bed or as part of a bouquet, the China Aster is sure to bring a touch of elegance and charm to any setting. Its unicolored flower color distribution adds a sense of harmony and balance to the overall aesthetic. With its versatility and beauty, the China Aster is a must-have for any flower lover looking to add a touch of sophistication to their garden or arrangement.

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