Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Honeymoon Intense

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Honeymoon Intense
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Purple-light blue pink-076D
Flower diameter 13 - 14 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head); Single-flowered
Leaf division Pinnatifid; Divided/split
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Chrysanthemums, specifically the Indicum Group, are a popular choice among flower enthusiasts due to their stunning colors and unique characteristics. One particular variety that stands out is the Chrysanthemum disbudded Honeymoon Intense.

The Honeymoon Intense boasts beautiful double flowers, known as pleniflorous, that capture everyone's attention. These blooms feature an enchanting blend of purple-light blue and pink tones, giving them a mesmerizing appearance. The color code for this specific variety is designated as 076D.

Measuring an impressive 13 to 14 centimeters in diameter, the flowers of the Honeymoon Intense are relatively large and create a striking focal point in any floral arrangement or garden space. Each flower is found on a single-flowered inflorescence, enhancing their individual beauty.

The leaves of this Chrysanthemum variety are classified as pinnatifid, meaning they are divided or split into deeper lobes. This structural feature adds a touch of elegance to the plant, complementing its vibrant flowers.

One of the captivating aspects of the Honeymoon Intense is the distribution of its flower color. These Chrysanthemums showcase an unicolored appearance, with the purple-light blue pink tones evenly spread across each petal. This balanced color distribution further enhances the overall allure of the flowers, making them a standout choice for floral arrangements or garden displays.

The Chrysanthemum disbudded Honeymoon Intense is definitely a variety that shouldn't go unnoticed. Its double flowers, resplendent colors, and unique leaf division make it a sought-after option for both professional florists and gardening enthusiasts. Whether used as a standalone feature or combined with other blooms, this Chrysanthemum variety is sure to add charm and elegance to any floral composition.

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