Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Pasion Euphoria

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Pasion Euphoria
Flower type Semi-double
Flower color Purple-light blue pink-069D
Flower diameter 7 - 7,5 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf division Pinnatifid
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Chrysanthemum flower, belonging to the Indicum Grp, is a beautiful and unique plant that captures attention with its vibrant colors and elegant form. One particular variation of this flower is the Chrysanthemum spray Pasion Euphoria, known for its semi-double petals and distinctive characteristics.

The flower blooms in a variety of hues, with a primary color palette consisting of shades such as purple, light blue, and pink-069D. These colors blend together to create a mesmerizing and eye-catching display. The Chrysanthemum spray Pasion Euphoria is truly a visual delight, with its gradient-like flower color distribution that enhances its overall appeal.

Measuring about 7 to 7.5 cm in diameter, each individual flower showcases its unique beauty within a compact size. This size is ideal for various floral arrangements, making it a versatile option for both professional florists and home gardeners. Despite its smaller size, the Chrysanthemum spray Pasion Euphoria manages to steal the spotlight wherever it is placed.

The inflorescence of this Chrysanthemum variation takes the form of a capitulum, also known as a flower head. The compact arrangement of the petals creates a lush and dense appearance, packed with petals that are semi-double in nature. This adds depth and complexity to the overall structure of the flower, making it a true standout among other varieties.

Enchanting foliage accompanies the captivating flowers. The leaves of the Chrysanthemum spray Pasion Euphoria are pinnatifid, meaning they possess feather-like divisions along their edges. This intricate leaf division adds a touch of elegance to the overall plant, complementing its unique flowers.

The Chrysanthemum spray Pasion Euphoria is a perfect addition to any garden or floral display. Whether used in a bouquet, centerpiece, or as standalone plants, these flowers are sure to make a lasting impression. Their intense color distribution and captivating form will undoubtedly attract attention and bring joy to any observer.

Whether you are a fan of Chrysanthemums or simply appreciate the beauty of flowers, the Chrysanthemum spray Pasion Euphoria is a must-have for any collection. Its unicolored flower color distribution, semi-double petals, and pinnatifid leaves make it a true showstopper. Embrace the allure of this remarkable flower and bring a touch of elegance and vibrancy to your surroundings.

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