Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Prada Pink

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Prada Pink
Flower type Single
Flower color Purple-light violet-077D
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme; Capitulum (head)
Leaf division Divided/split
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Prada Pink is a stunning flower that adds a touch of elegance and charm to any garden or floral arrangement. With its single flower type and unique flower color, this particular variety is a sight to behold.

The flower color of the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Prada Pink is described as purple-light violet-077D. It embodies a delicate blend of purple and light violet hues, creating a mesmerizing and eye-catching appearance. The shade is not too overpowering, ensuring that it effortlessly complements other flowers or plants in a bouquet or garden bed.

At a diameter of 6-6.5 cm, the flowers of this Chrysanthemum spray are of a moderate size, making them suitable for various floral arrangements and compositions. Whether used as a focal point or as part of a larger arrangement, these flowers are sure to attract attention with their beauty.

The inflorescence of the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Prada Pink is unique in that it can be both raceme and capitulum (head) type. This means that the flowers are arranged in a clustered fashion, creating a beautiful display and adding depth to the overall appearance.

The leaf division of this Chrysanthemum variety is divided or split, which adds an interesting texture to the overall plant. These split leaves create a layered effect, adding visual interest and making the plant stand out among others.

As for the flower color distribution, the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Prada Pink boasts a unicolored appearance. This means that the entire flower is of the same color, allowing the vibrant purple-light violet-077D shade to take center stage.

In conclusion, the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Prada Pink is a captivating flower that possesses unique qualities that set it apart from other varieties. With its single flower type, exquisite purple-light violet-077D color, moderate size, raceme and capitulum inflorescence, split leaf division, and unicolored appearance, this Chrysanthemum is a true gem in the world of flowers. Whether used in a bouquet, garden bed, or floral arrangement, it is sure to enhance the beauty and charm of any setting.

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