Cyclamen persicum small flowered Metis Victoria Outstanding

Cyclamen persicum small flowered Metis Victoria Outstanding
Flower color Mixed
Leaf, general shape Cordate (heart-shaped)
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Flower length/hight 2,5 - 3 cm; 3 - 3,5 cm
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement erect
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
soil pH requirement Neutral (pH 6,5 - 7,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5); Alkaline (pH > 7,5)
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Feathered; Bicolored
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored; With Eye
Leaf, secondary color(s) Grey green
Moisture requirements Well-drained

Cyclamen persicum, also known as Alpine Violet or Cyclamen, is a small flowered plant that stands out with its stunning variety of characteristics. One of its popular varieties is the Metis Victoria Outstanding.

The flowers of Cyclamen persicum come in a mixed color palette, adding a vibrant touch to any garden or indoor space. The shape of its leaves is cordate, resembling a heart shape, which further adds to its charm. The plant typically grows to a height between 10 to 20 centimeters, making it a compact and versatile option for both small and large gardens.

The flowers themselves are relatively small, ranging in length and height from 2.5 to 3 centimeters and 3 to 3.5 centimeters respectively. They are arranged in an erect inflorescence, creating an attractive display when in bloom. The leaves of Cyclamen persicum are generally sized between 5 to 7.5 centimeters, providing a beautiful backdrop to the colorful flowers.

When it comes to soil pH requirements, Cyclamen persicum can adapt to different conditions. It thrives in neutral soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5, but it can also tolerate slightly acidic soil with a pH of 4.5 to 6.5, as well as alkaline soil with a pH above 7.5. This versatility makes it a suitable choice for various types of soil compositions.

The main color of Cyclamen persicum's leaves is a dark green, which contrasts well with the vibrant flowers. The leaf color also features feathered patterns and can be bicolored, adding visual interest to the plant. Additionally, the flowers of Cyclamen persicum have a color distribution that is marginate, bicolored, and adorned with an eye-like feature, making them truly captivating.

In terms of leaf secondary color, Cyclamen persicum displays shades of grey-green, complementing the overall aesthetics of the plant. It adds to the uniqueness and visual appeal of this small flowered beauty.

In order to thrive, Cyclamen persicum requires well-drained soil with appropriate moisture levels. It is important to avoid waterlogging, as excessive water can damage the plant's roots. Therefore, ensuring proper drainage is crucial for its health and longevity.

Overall, Cyclamen persicum, particularly the Metis Victoria Outstanding variety, is a remarkable plant with small but beautiful flowers and stunning foliage. Its adaptability to different soil pH levels, combined with its low maintenance moisture requirements, makes it a popular choice among garden enthusiasts or indoor plant lovers. Whether used as a centerpiece in a garden or as an elegant potted plant, Cyclamen persicum is sure to bring joy and visual delight to any space.

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