Dianthus standard 'Happy Claro'

Dianthus standard 'Happy Claro'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Green-light green-145C
Petal edge Serrate
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Flower length/hight 4,5 - 5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Dianthus standard 'Happy Claro' is a stunning variety of carnation that stands out with its unique characteristics. With its double (pleniflorous) flower type, this Dianthus features an abundance of petals, creating a full and lush appearance.

The flower color of the 'Happy Claro' is a captivating green-light green shade, specifically classified as 145C on the color spectrum. This hue adds a refreshing and vibrant touch to any floral arrangement or garden.

One notable feature of this Dianthus is its serrated petal edge. Unlike the smooth edges typically seen in other varieties, the 'Happy Claro' showcases a distinct and eye-catching edge, enhancing its visual appeal.

The flower diameter of the 'Happy Claro' ranges between 8.5 to 9 cm, making it a medium-sized carnation variety. Additionally, the flower length or height measures approximately 4.5 to 5 cm, providing a balanced and proportional appearance.

Another interesting aspect of this Dianthus is its single-flowered inflorescence. Instead of clusters of flowers, each stem of the 'Happy Claro' produces a solitary blossom, allowing the unique characteristics of each flower to shine.

The main color of the leaves of the 'Happy Claro' is a muted green-grey shade. This neutral tone serves as an elegant backdrop for the vibrant green-light green flowers, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing contrast.

The flower color distribution of this Dianthus is classified as unicolored, meaning that the entire flower showcases the same shade of green-light green. This consistent color distribution adds to the overall cohesiveness and uniformity of the 'Happy Claro'.

In conclusion, the Dianthus standard 'Happy Claro' is a captivating carnation variety that stands out for its double flower type, unique green-light green color, serrated petal edge, and single-flowered inflorescence. With its green-grey leaves and unicolored flower color distribution, this Dianthus is a beautiful addition to any floral arrangement or garden, bringing a touch of freshness and elegance.

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