
Glossy leaves

Latin name Fatshedera
Homeland bred hybrid
Family Araliaceae
Cultivation simple outdoors, moderately complex at home
Location well- lit at home, partial shade in the open air
Temperature minimum in winter 4-6 °C
Watering plentiful in summer, as needed in winter
Flowering time in autumn
Height more than 2 m
Transplanting in March
Appearance maintenance cover with lustrous solution

Fatshedera (x Fatshedera) - a garden form obtained as a result of hybridization between fatsia (Fatsia) and ivy (Hedera). The only known species is a hybrid of Fatshedera lizei (x Fatshedera lizei), obtained from crossing Fatsia japonica (Fatsia japonica) and Atlantic ivy (Hedera hibernica). Vertical stem (in young plants with a reddish coating) up to 4 m high. Three - or five-part glossy leathery leaves with a long petiole are similar to the leaves of aralia (fatsia), but smaller in size. As a potted houseplant, the fatshedera needs to be plucked several times, to ensure branching. The flowers are greenish and form umbellate inflorescences collected in panicles. Very interesting variety 'Variegata' with leaves with a white-cream edge.

Fatshedera (x Fatshedera) - a garden form obtained as a result of hybridization between fatsia (Fatsia) and ivy (Hedera). The only known species is a hybrid of Fatshedera lizei (x Fatshedera lizei), obtained from crossing Fatsia japonica (Fatsia japonica) and Atlantic ivy (Hedera hibernica). Vertical stem (in young plants with a reddish coating) up to 4 m high. Three - or five-part glossy leathery leaves with a long petiole are similar to the leaves of aralia (fatsia), but smaller in size. As a potted houseplant, the fatshedera needs to be plucked several times, to ensure branching. The flowers are greenish and form umbellate inflorescences collected in panicles.

Very interesting variety 'Variegata' with leaves with a white-cream edge.


Fatshedera is a very common houseplant. It is also grown outdoors (in the ground or in pots on balconies and terraces) in areas of mild climate. This is an unpretentious shade-tolerant plant. The soil for it is made up of turf, peat land and sand (4: 1:1). It is necessary to regularly spray and wash the leaves. Several times in the summer they are fed with mineral fertilizers; they can be taken out into the fresh air in partial shade.


In the open air, Fatshedera prefers a shaded place if the summer is very hot. In cool weather, it will suit both partial shade and a brightly lit place. At home, there should always be good lighting conditions.


In winter, the temperature should not fall below 4-6 °C. At home, plants need a humid environment, especially if the temperature exceeds 18-20 °C.


In summer, they are watered often and abundantly, in winter - moderately. The supports used are always kept in a wet state.


Transplanted in March, in a pot slightly larger than the previous one, in the soil recommended for cultivation.


Remove damaged parts: shoots, leaves and inflorescences. When growing at home, they add luster to the leaves with lustrous solutions, preventing their excess.


Propagate by apical cuttings or air layers. In summer, cuttings are taken and planted in a very wet place in a mixture consisting of peat and sand (1:1). Rooted cuttings are finally transplanted into pots or soil next spring.


Aphids and worms suck sap from the plant's tissues. It is necessary to make treatment with preparations against aphids. Worms are disposed of by wiping the leaves with a cloth or cotton swab soaked in alcohol, then treated with anticoccidal drugs. The spider mite causes specks to appear on the leaves, which gradually merge. They get rid of it with the help of acaricides and maintaining low humidity around the plant.

Aphids and worms suck sap from the plant's tissues. It is necessary to make treatment with preparations against aphids. Worms are disposed of by wiping the leaves with a cloth or cotton swab soaked in alcohol, then treated with anticoccidal drugs.

The spider mite causes specks to appear on the leaves, which gradually merge. They get rid of it with the help of acaricides and maintaining low humidity around the plant.


Plants are easily found in flower shops and gardening centers. For growing fatshedera as a houseplant, it is preferable to choose the variety 'Variegata'. Get healthy plants with compact foliage.

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