
Flowers from bunches

Latin name Faucaria
Homeland South Africa
Family Aizoaceae
Cultivation very difficult
Location in a well-lit area
Temperature minimum 5-7 °C
Watering moderate in spring, regular in summer
Flowering time in autumn
Height 5-15 cm
Transplanting in spring
Appearance maintenance remove faded parts

The genus Faucaria consists of 36 species. They are perennial, mostly stemless or short-stemmed succulent evergreens, usually with yellow flowers blooming in late summer or autumn. Cat's faucaria (Faucaria felina) - a species 10-15 cm high. Opposite, triangular, arranged crosswise, with bent teeth, succulent leaves are covered with dark green specks. The flowers are orange-yellow in color. Long-leaved faucaria (F. longifolia) is characterized by leaves up to 5 cm long, green, toothed, in the upper part of a streamlined shape. The flowers are yellow. Large faucaria (F. grandis) - a species 5-10 cm high, the length of dark brown-green leaves reaches 2.5 cm, along the edge there are 3-4 or more denticles. The leaves feel like paper to the touch. The flowers are yellow. Tiger faucaria (F. tigrina) is a 5 cm tall species. Pointed fleshy leaves are dark green in color, with denticles arranged in pairs. Yellow flowers 5 cm in diameter without pedicels. Faucaria tuberosa (F. tuberculosa) is a species 5-8 cm tall, with serrated leaves covered with white warts and yellow flowers.

The genus Faucaria consists of 36 species. They are perennial, mostly stemless or short-stemmed succulent evergreens, usually with yellow flowers blooming in late summer or autumn.

Cat's faucaria (Faucaria felina) - a species 10-15 cm high. Opposite, triangular, arranged crosswise, with bent teeth, succulent leaves are covered with dark green specks. The flowers are orange-yellow in color.

Long-leaved faucaria (F. longifolia) is characterized by leaves up to 5 cm long, green, toothed, in the upper part of a streamlined shape. The flowers are yellow.

Large faucaria (F. grandis) - a species 5-10 cm high, the length of dark brown-green leaves reaches 2.5 cm, along the edge there are 3-4 or more denticles. The leaves feel like paper to the touch. The flowers are yellow.

Tiger faucaria (F. tigrina) is a 5 cm tall species. Pointed fleshy leaves are dark green in color, with denticles arranged in pairs. Yellow flowers 5 cm in diameter without pedicels.

Faucaria tuberosa (F. tuberculosa) is a species 5-8 cm tall, with serrated leaves covered with white warts and yellow flowers.


Plants of the genus Faucaria are mostly grown as houseplants. They can be put on balconies and terraces during the warm season, but in the fall they can be put away in the house. The soil for growing is made up of fertile land with sand (1:1), pH about 6. Usually fed 3 times during the spring and summer period-add fertilizer for cactus crops to the water for irrigation. The main growth occurs in the summer.


The place should be very well lit, but on hot days the plant should be shaded from direct sunlight.


Plants of the genus Faucaria grow well and develop at room and slightly higher temperatures, in winter the temperature is 5-15 °C (below 5 °C is not tolerated).


In spring, plants should be watered carefully, moderately. Then in the summer they are watered regularly and often. Even later, in the fall, watering is reduced, and in winter it is not watered at all.


Transplanted in the spring 1 time in 2-3 years, at the end of the dormant period.


Remove wilted flowers and damaged parts.


Propagate by seed. They are sown in spring in boxes that are kept indoors at a temperature of 20-22 °C. Use loose humus or clean sand. Later, the stronger shoots are planted singly in pots. In late summer and early autumn, you can take cuttings from shoots. Within 1-2 days, they are allowed to dry, after which they are placed in a mixture of sand and loose humus.


If the rules of cultivation are not followed, growth and development are disrupted, resistance to diseases decreases, roots, stems and leaves rot, and gray rot of vegetable crops (Botrytis cinerea) appears. It is recommended to carry out preventive measures, observe moderate watering, fertilizing and use suitable soil. Worms infect faucaria, which leads to wilting of the plant. You can get rid of pests with the help of anticoccidal drugs.


Plants of the genus Faucaria are rare on sale, they can be found only in a few specialized flower growing enterprises, it is recommended to purchase in the spring. Buy compact and well-formed plants.

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