Fragaria x ananassa Fragoo F1 White

Fragaria x ananassa Fragoo F1 White
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Erose
Flower color White-white-155A
Fruit color Red
Soil fertility No poor soils
Flower diameter 2,5 - 3 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf division Tricompound
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist

Introducing Fragaria x ananassa Fragoo F1 White, the newest addition to the strawberry family. With its beautiful white flowers and vibrant red fruits, this variety is sure to capture the attention of any gardener or strawberry enthusiast.

When it comes to flower types, Fragoo F1 White is known for its single flowers, which add a delicate touch to its overall appearance. The leaf margin of this variety is described as erose, giving it a unique texture.

One of the standout features of Fragoo F1 White is its stunning flower color. The flowers are pure white, with a shade described as white-white-155A. This color is sure to brighten up any garden bed or container planting.

When it comes to fruit color, Fragoo F1 White does not disappoint. The berries are a classic and vibrant red, adding a pop of color to any landscape.

In terms of soil fertility, Fragoo F1 White thrives in well-drained soil. It does not tolerate poor soils, so it's important to ensure the soil is of good quality before planting.

The flower diameter of Fragoo F1 White ranges from 2.5 to 3 cm, creating a visually appealing display in any garden. The leaves are tricompound, meaning they are divided into three leaflets, adding an interesting texture to the foliage.

Speaking of foliage, the main color of the leaves is a deep, dark green. This contrasts beautifully against the white flowers and red fruits, creating a visually striking combination. The leaf color pattern is unicolored, meaning it is solid without any variegation or patterns.

The flower color distribution of Fragoo F1 White is also unicolored, with all flowers displaying the same pure white hue. This creates a sense of uniformity and coherence within the plant.

In terms of moisture requirements, Fragoo F1 White prefers well-drained soil. It also benefits from a moist environment, so regular watering is necessary to keep the plant healthy and vibrant.

Finally, Fragoo F1 White thrives in sunny conditions. It requires full sunlight in order to reach its full potential and produce an abundant harvest of delicious strawberries.

Overall, Fragaria x ananassa Fragoo F1 White is a beautiful and versatile strawberry variety. With its striking white flowers, vibrant red fruits, and preference for sunny conditions, it is a wonderful addition to any garden or landscape. Be sure to provide it with well-drained, fertile soil and adequate moisture to ensure a successful growing season. Happy gardening!

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